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博碩士論文 etd-0101121-095005 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0101121-095005
The effect of E-Tail Quality, Perceived Value and E-Satisfaction on E-Loyalty: The Sample is Collect from Taiwan Online Customers
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E-Tail Quality, E-Loyalty, Perceived Value, E-Satisfaction, E-Trust
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In recent years, the electronic commerce has played a significant role in the business model. However, electronic commerce is emerging and still faces with a lot of obstacles. One of the obstacle is that retailer may not have a deep and complete understanding about the behavioral intention of the customers which lead to the failure to increase customer’s loyalty. In online shopping context, customers can easily search the alternatives and choose the more beneficial retailer by just one click. That is the reason why to keep the loyalty for the customer become more difficulties. In addition, the multi-dimensional construct of E-tail Quality is considered as a useful tool to investigate the behavioral intention of the customer. However, from the previous studies of the E-tail Quality, they usually neglected the perceived value of the customer since that is the most important factor when study the customer loyalty development. This study is aim to investigate the effect of E-Tail Quality, E-trust, E-Satisfaction and Perceived Value on E-loyalty. The data was collected from an online survey, and the results are indicated the positive effects.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景和動機 1
1.2 研究目標 4
1.3 研究程序 5
1.4 論文結構 5
第二章、文獻探討 6
2.1 研究構念的操作型定義 6
2.1.1 E-Tail質量 6
2.1.2 E-Tail質量的測量維度 (EtailQ) 6
2.1.3 感知價值 8
2.1.4 電子信任 (E-Trust) 9
2.1.5 電子滿意度 (E-Satisfaction) 9
2.1.6 電子忠誠度 (E-Loyalty) 10
2.2 研究變項之間的相互關係 11
2.2.1 E-Tail質量對電子信任、滿意度以及感知價值的影響 11
2.2.2 顧客電子滿意度對顧客電子忠誠度的影響 13
2.2.3 感知價值對電子商務滿意度的影響 14
2.2.4 感知價值對電子忠誠度的影響 15
2.2.5 電子信任度對電子忠誠度的影響 15
2.2.6 電子信任度對電子滿意度的影響 16
2.2.7 顧客感知價值、電子信任度和電子滿意度的中介效應 17
2.3 總結 18
第三章、研究設計和方法 19
3.1 研究架構 19
3.2 對研究假設進行測試 19
3.3 研究變數之操作型定義 21
3.3.1自變項 21
3.3.2獨立變項 23
3.4問卷設計和抽樣計畫 26
3.5數據分析的過程 27
3.5.1描述統計分析 27
3.5.2測量變項的純化和可靠性 27
3.5.3研究變項之間的相互影響關係 28
第四章、研究結果分析 29
4.1 描述性分析 29
4.1.1 數據採集 29
4.1.2 受訪者特徵 29
4.1.3 相關變項的測量結果 33
4.2 因素分析和信度測試 36
4.2.1 E-Tail質量 37
4.2.2 感知價值 39
4.2.3 電子信任度 39
4.2.4 電子滿意度 40
4.2.5 電子忠誠度 41
4.3 假設檢定 41
4.3.1 E-Tail質量對顧客電子滿意度的影響 42
4.3.2 E-Tail質量對顧客電子信任度的影響 43
4.3.3 E-Tail質量對顧客感知價值的影響 44
4.3.4電子滿意度對顧客電子忠誠度的影響 44
4.3.5顧客感知價值對顧客電子滿意度的影響 45
4.3.6顧客感知價值對顧客電子忠誠度的影響 46
4.3.7顧客電子信任度對顧客電子忠誠度的影響 46
4.3.8顧客電子信任度對顧客電子滿意度的影響 47
4.3.9感知價值的中介效應 48
4.3.10電子信任度的中介效應 50
4.3.11電子滿意度的中介效應 51
第五章、結論與建議 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 建議 56
5.2.1理論意涵 56
5.2.2管理意涵 56
5.3 研究限制 60
參考文獻 61
附錄 66
參考文獻 References
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