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論文名稱 Title |
感知世仇程度透過觀賽認知與情緒反應對滿意度及享受感之影響—以中華職棒為例 How Perception of Rivalry in Professional Sports Games Affect Audience’s Satisfaction and Enjoyment through Schadenfreude, Cohesion and Feeling of Violence: An Empirical Study of Chinese Professional Baseball League |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
116 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-06-20 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-02-01 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
體育世仇、幸災樂禍、感知凝聚力、感知激烈程度、享受感、滿意度、中華職業棒球大聯盟 sports rivalry, schadenfreude, perceived cohesion, perceived violence, enjoyment, satisfaction, Chinese Professional Baseball League Baseball |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 159 次,被下載 5 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 159 times, has been downloaded 5 times. |
中文摘要 |
在味全龍消失二十年,於2019年重返中華職棒時,一個塵封已久的話題—世仇大戰,又受到球迷的熱烈討論,當年味全龍與兄弟象之間被稱作經典世仇對決,讓假日球賽一票難求的「龍象大戰」何時可以重演?由於龍象大戰發生得如此自然,也沒有人多想過背後運作的機制與後果,這樣的世仇對決能否再度重現?抑或是能不能複製到其他的對戰組合當中,出現統一對上樂天的「獅猿爭霸」或是富邦對決中信的「金融大戰」?這些世仇的對戰又是透過怎樣的機制,去影響球迷的觀看體驗?本研究專注以上種種問題。 本研究採取實驗法以及調查法雙軌並行的方式進行,於實驗法採取單因子組間實驗設計(世仇vs.非世仇),針對曾經進場觀賽的中華職棒球迷發放問卷,共收得89份有效問卷,結果顯示,若球迷預測他們能從即將到來的周末比賽中感受到更高的世仇氛圍時,他們會因此表現出更高的凝聚力感知、激烈感知,且感知凝聚力和激烈感知能夠正面影響球迷的觀賽滿意度和享受感。 而在調查法的部分,本研究針對本季曾經進場觀賽的中信兄弟球迷發放了270份有效問卷,結果顯示,若球迷能從比賽中感受到更高的世仇氛圍時,他們會因此表現出更高的凝聚力感知、激烈感知和幸災樂禍,且感知凝聚力和激烈感知能夠正面影響球迷的觀賽滿意度和享受感。 本研究建議,球團若希望以世仇作為球賽宣傳活動主軸時,可以透過強調感知凝聚力以及激烈感知作為行銷的焦點,藉此提升觀眾對球賽的反饋,而非採用具有爭議性又效用不彰的幸災樂禍做為賣點,也能減少不必要的爭議產生,本研究作為國內體育世仇行銷研究的拓荒者,希望能成為相關領域研究者以及職業球團可靠的參考依據。 |
Abstract |
When Wei-Chuan Dragons returned to Chinese Professional Baseball League in 2019 after 20 years disappear, a topic that had been covered for a long time was brought up for heated discussion. In those days, Wei-Chuan Dragons and Brother elephant were called a classic rivalry. When will the "Dragon-Elephant Battle", which is hard to get a ticket in the holiday ball game, Can the battle be repeated? Since the dragon-elephant battle happened so naturally, no one has thought much about the mechanism and consequences behind it. Can such a rivalry battle be repeated again? Or can it be replicated in other battle groups, and there will be a "Lion and Monkey Contest" or a "Financial War" in which Fubon battles CTBC Brothers? How do these rivalry battles affect the viewing experience of fans? This study will focus on these issues. This study adopts experimental method and the survey method in same time. The experimental method adopts a single-factor between-group experimental design (feud vs. non-feud). Questionnaires are distributed to Chinese Professional Baseball League fans who have entered the game and received a total of 89 valid questionnaire, result showed that when fans predicted that they would experience a higher rivalry atmosphere from the upcoming game on weekend, they would show higher perceptions of cohesion, violence perception, perceptions of cohesion and violence will positive affect the fans' satisfaction and enjoyment of watching the game. In the part of the survey method, this study distributed 270 valid questionnaires to CTBC Brothers fans who had entered at least one game this season. The results show that if fans can feel a higher rivalry atmosphere from the game, they will show higher perception of cohesion, violence perception and schadenfreude, and perceived cohesion and violence perception can positively affect fans' satisfaction and enjoyment when watching games. This study suggests that, when teams want to use rivalry as the main theme of their game promotion activities, they can increase audience feedback on the game by emphasizing perception cohesion and violence perception as the main topic of marketing, rather than adopting schadenfreude, it can also reduce unnecessary disputes. As a pioneer of sports rivalry marketing research in Taiwan, we hope this study can be a reliable reference for researchers in related fields and professional sports teams. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 第壹章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究動機及研究問題 3 第三節、研究目的 7 第貳章、文獻回顧 8 第一節、世仇與其基礎相關理論 8 第二節、幸災樂禍 (Schadenfreude) 13 第三節、凝聚力(Cohesion) 15 第四節、體育競賽中的激烈感知 17 第五節、體育觀賽的體驗滿意與享受感 18 第參章:研究架構與研究假說 21 第一節、研究架構 21 第二節、知覺世仇程度與激烈感知、感知凝聚力與幸災樂禍之關係 21 第三節、激烈感知、感知凝聚力和幸災樂禍與觀眾反饋之關係 25 第四節、世仇程度透過激烈感知、感知凝聚力和幸災樂禍影響觀眾反饋之關係 28 第五節、激烈感知、感知凝聚力和幸災樂禍對於觀眾反饋強度之比較 29 第肆章、研究方法 31 第一節、研究一-實驗法 31 第二節、研究二-調查法 40 第伍章、研究結果 49 第一節、實驗法之敘述性統計 49 第二節、實驗法之驗證性因素分析 52 第三節、實驗法之假說驗證 56 第四節、調查法之敘述性統計 61 第五節、調查法之驗證性因素分析 64 第六節、調查法之假說驗證 68 第七節、小結 73 第陸章、結論與建議 79 第一節、研究發現與討論 79 第二節、理論貢獻 81 第三節、實務貢獻 82 第四節、研究限制與未來研究方向 83 參考文獻 85 |
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