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博碩士論文 etd-0102124-033910 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0102124-033910
Investigate Instagram Beauty Micro-Influencers' Sponsored Posts and Purchase Intention: Sweepstakes as a Moderator
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Source credibility, Sponsorship disclosure, Match-up, Brand attitude, Sweepstakes
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本研究以 Instagram 美妝微網紅做為研究對象,探討美妝微網紅的可信度、 業配揭露、適配性與舉辦抽獎活動對消費者購買意願之影響。以消費者對品牌的態 度作為中介變數,檢驗是否對美妝微網紅的可信度、業配揭露、適配性和消費者的 購買意願產生影響。並且利用抽獎活動作為調節變項,探討是否會影響消費者對品 牌的態度及對產品購買意願之間的關係。
此研究透過網路發放網路問卷,收回了 341 份有效問卷,並採取結構方程式來 檢測題目間的整體效度和各變數之間的關係。獲致以下研究結果:(1)美妝微網紅的 可信度、業配揭露、適配性與消費者對品牌的態度有顯著的正向影響。(2)消費者對 品牌的態度跟購買意願有正向影響。(3)消費者對品牌的態度對於美妝微網紅的可 信度、業配揭露、適配性以及購買意願間的關係有中介效果。(4)抽獎活動在消費者 對品牌的態度以及購買意願之間無法有效調節。
This study takes Instagram beauty micro-influencers as the research object, and explores whether the credibility of beauty micro-influencers, sponsorship disclosure, congruence and holding sweepstakes will affect consumers' purchase intentions and the degree of influence. To see if they affect consumers' purchase intentions, the attitude that consumers hold about a brand was used as a mediating variable. The relation among brand attitudes and purchase intentions was tested using sweepstakes as a moderator to see if it was strengthened or weakened.
This study distributed online questionnaires through the Internet. In total, it took the sample from 341 valid respondents who experienced in following beauty micro- influencers. To ascertain the general validity of the questions and the correlation between the variables, structural equation modeling was employed. The following research results were obtained: (1) The credibility of beauty micro-influencers, sponsorship disclosure, congruence have a significant impact on consumer’s attitude toward brand. (2) Customers' attitudes regarding the brand have a favorable impact on purchase intention. (3) Consumer’s attitude toward brand worked as a mediating factor on the relationship between source credibility, sponsorship disclosure, match-up and purchase intention. (4) The relationship among brand attitudes and purchase intentions could not be efficiently moderated by sweepstakes.
目次 Table of Contents
THESIS/DISSERTATION VALIDATION LETTER ................................................. i
摘要 ............................................................. ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................ viii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUND & MOTIVATION ................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review ......................................................................................... 7
2.1 MICRO INFLUENCER ................................................................................................. 7
2.2 SOURCE CREDIBILITY ........................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Trustworthiness .......................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Expertise ..................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Attractiveness.............................................................................................. 13
2.3 SPONSORSHIP DISCLOSURE .............................................................................. 14
2.4 CONGRUENCE BETWEEN PRODUCTS AND CELEBRITY ....................................... 15
2.6 SWEEPSTAKES ON INSTAGRAM .............................................................................. 18
Chapter 3 Research Methodology ............................................................................... 21
3.1 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................... 21
3.2 PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................. 22
3.3 DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 Measures ........................................................................................................ 24
3.3.2 CMV ............................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 4 Results.......................................................................................................... 31
4.1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ....................................................................................... 31
4.2 CORRELATION REPORT .......................................................................................... 34
4.3 STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODEL (SEM) ................................................................ 36
4.4 HYPOTHESIS TESTING ............................................................................................ 37
4.4.1 Relationships between source credibility, sponsorship disclosure, congruence, consumer’s attitude toward brand and purchase intention ............... 37
4.4.2 Mediating role of consumer’s attitude toward brand .................................... 38
4.4.3 Moderating role of sweepstakes .................................................................... 40
4.4.4 Results of the hypotheses ............................................................................... 41
Chapter 5 Discussion .................................................................................................... 43
5.1 GENERAL DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 43
5.1.1 The effect of sweepstakes on the association between consumer’s attitude toward the brand on purchase intention................................................................. 45
5.2 THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS ................................................................................. 46
5.3 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS ..................................................................................... 47
5.4 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................................. 49
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 50
APPENDIX1: SURVEY QUESTION IN ENGLISH ............................................................... 65
APPENDIX2: SURVEY QUESTION IN CHINESE ............................................................... 71
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