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Title page for etd-0103121-215725
Enhancing Work-life Balance by Getting Off Work On Time: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective
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Work-life balance, Get off work on time, Social exchange theory, Workaholism, Organizational commitment, Perceived organizational support
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本研究對台灣職場中不同產業別的現職工作者進行兩階段問卷調查,收集有效問卷共246份。本研究根據因素分析驗證「準時下班量表」的三因素結構:準時離開、不以通訊軟體加班與不以強制性活動加班。另外,根據結構方程模型分析結果發現: (1)準時下班與工作生活平衡呈現顯著正向關係;工作生活平衡與知覺組織支持呈現顯著正向關係;(2)知覺組織支持與組織承諾呈現顯著正向關係;(3)工作生活平衡完全中介準時下班與知覺組織支持的正向關係;(4)工作生活平衡與知覺組織支持完全中介準時下班與組織承諾的正向關係與(5)工作狂調節準時下班與工作生活平衡之間的正向關係。
Taiwanese workers experienced longer working hours, compared to most of the member countries of OECD. Previous studies suggested that long working hours and overtime work could cause negative consequences to an individual’s work-life balance but they only examined the relationship between a total number of working hours and work-life balance. This study shifted the focus toward (a) identifying various forms of overtime work by developing a “get off work on time (GOWOT)” scale and (b) exploring the relationships among get off work on time, work-life balance, perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, and workaholism from a social exchange theory perspective.
This study collected 246 valid responses from incumbent workers in various industries on two occasions. This study first verified the factor structure of the 3-dimensional GOWOT scale: leave on time, no assigned tasks via communication devices after work, and no compulsory activities after work. The results revealed (1) GOWOT was positively related to work-life balance; (2) work-life balance was positively related to perceived organizational support; (3) perceived organizational support was positively associated with organizational commitment; (4) work-life balance mediated the relationship between GOWOT and perceived organizational support; (5) the indirect effect of GOWOT on organizational commitment via work-life balance and perceived organizational support was observed; and (6) workaholism moderated the relationship between GOWOT and work-life balance.
Based on the findings, theorical and practical implications, and suggestions for future research were discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
I. Introduction 1
1. Research Background 1
2. Research Motivation 2
3. Research Gap 3
II. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 5
1. Border Theory 5
2. Get Off Work On Time 6
3. Work-life Balance 9
4. Relationship between GOWOT and Work-life Balance 10
5. Workaholism 11
6. The Moderating Effect of Workaholism on the Relationship between Get Off Work on Time and Work-life Balance 12
7. Social Exchange Theory 13
8. Perceived Organizational Support 15
9. Relationships among Get Off Work On Time, Work-life Balance, and Perceived Organizational Support 16
10. Organizational Commitment 18
11. Relationships among Get Off Work On Time, Work-life Balance, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Commitment 19
III. Hypothesized Model 22
IV. Research Methods 23
1. Participants 23
2. Procedures 24
3. Data Analytic Strategies 25
4. Measures 25
5. Common Method Variance 28
V. Results 30
1. Chi-square Difference Test and Model fit 30
2. Descriptive Statistics, Reliability, and Correlations 30
3. Tests of the Hypotheses 33
VI. Discussion 43
1. Theoretical Implication 43
2. Practical Implication 45
3. Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research 47
Appendix 1 61
Appendix 2 72
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