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博碩士論文 etd-0103123-173238 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0103123-173238
Effects of Short Video Advertising Elements on Immersion Experience, Persuasion Effectiveness, and Intrusiveness Effectiveness——Take the short video platform, TikTok, for example
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Short-video Advertisement, Immersive Experiences, Advertising Genre, Shooting Angle of View, Advertisement Subtitle, Advertising Effectiveness
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本研究以沉浸體驗為主題,探討TikTok上的短影音廣告如何透過不同的廣告元素來提升觀看者的沉浸體驗,並進而提升廣告的說服(廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願)和滲入效果(品牌回想、品牌辨識)。本研究採用實驗法,共進行兩個實驗:實驗一為測試短影音廣告類型(功能型vs.體驗型)和廣告拍攝視角(第一人稱vs.第三人稱vs. 第一與第三人稱轉換)對沉浸體驗、廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願和品牌記憶的效果;實驗二則是在廣告類型與廣告拍攝視角的共同效果檢驗之外,加入廣告字幕進行廣告效果的測試,以瞭解三者的各種組合搭配可能達成之效果。實驗結果發現:在功能型廣告中,採第一與第三人稱轉換(vs.單純第三人稱)的拍攝視角,在體驗型廣告中採第一人稱(vs.第三人稱)拍攝視角可產生較高的沉浸體驗,進而增加廣告說服和滲入效果;此外,在功能型、採用第三人稱拍攝視角的廣告中,添加廣告字幕有助提升滲入效果,但在體驗型、採用第一人稱拍攝視角的廣告中,則是不添加廣告字幕較能夠提升沉浸,並帶來有利的說服與滲入效果。
In recent years, videos entitled “immersion” have taken the world by storm such as immersive mealtime, immersive makeup, immersive dog walking, etc. Videos with this feature often appear on short-video platforms such as TikTok, which triggers the curiosity of scholars in diverse fields. Past research has used different mechanisms to explain the mental state of immersive experiences. However, there is a lack of relevant research on implementing immersive experiences in marketing. “Immersion” has a gradually increasing number on Google Trends. On the e-commerce platforms, more and more companies follow the trend of launching immersive advertisements in the hope of having people appealed to so that they increase brand reputation and sales figures.
The dissertation centers around immersive experiences and penetrates how short videos on TikTok increase the immersive experiences of audiences via different advertising elements so as to enhance persuasion- attitude-toward-ad, brand attitude, buying intentions- and infusion effectiveness- brand recall and brand identification. The dissertation adopts the experimentation method will two experiments in total. The first one evaluates the impacts on immersive experiences, attitude-toward-ad, brand attitude, buying intentions, and brand remembrance from advertising genres(functional vs. experienced) and advertising shooting angles of views (first-person vs. third-person vs. interchange of first and third person). Other than the common-effect examination deriving from advertising genres and advertising shooting angles of view, the other experiment inspects the advertising effectiveness caused by adding subtitles to understand how all possible combinations of three elements can bring about. The experiments indicate the following findings. In the functional advertisement, by taking the views from the interchange of first and third-person shooting angles (vs. third-person), it produces better immersive experiences in the experienced advertisement that takes the views from the first-person (vs. third-person) shooting angles, which increases the persuasion and infusion effectiveness. Furthermore, in the functional advertisement that takes the views from third-person shooting angles, adding the advertisement subtitle is helpful for the infusion effectiveness. However, in the experienced advertisement that takes the views from first-person shooting angles, not adding the advertisement subtitle can embellish the immersive experiences, along with effective persuasion and infusion effectiveness.
The dissertation will turn a new leaf in the marketing field focusing on using immersive experiences in the short-video advertisement and have a theoretical and practical contribution to cross-field study on immersive experiences. It will not only assists brands or companies in understanding the suitable occasion that can implement immersive experiences but also provides them with suggestion of combination within advertising genres, advertising shooting angles of views, and advertisement subtitle, which has important reference values of short-video advertising marketing. Meanwhile, the dissertation assesses novel marketing approaches to immersive experiences in commercial content, which will help customers make rational reviews and judgments toward brands or products, and eventually come up with a better decision in purchasing goods.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目録 vi
圖目録 viii
表目録 ix
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 7
第三節、研究問題 13
第四節、研究目的 13
第五節、研究範圍限縮 14
第六節、研究流程 15
第貳章、文獻探討 17
第一節、短影音(short video)的定義、特性與相關研究 17
第二節、沉浸體驗(immersion experience) 27
第三節、廣告類型(advertising types) 37
第四節、廣告拍攝視角(advertising views) 39
第五節、廣告字幕 (advertising caption) 41
第叁章、研究架構與假說 44
第一節、研究架構 44
第二節、假說推論 44
第肆章、實驗一 56
第一節、研究方法 57
第二節、研究結果分析 70
第伍章、實驗二 94
第一節、研究方法 94
第二節、研究結果分析 99
第陸章、研究與建議 138
第一節、研究發現 139
第二節、研究意涵 141
第三節、研究限制與未來研究方向 148
參考文獻 151
一、中文文獻 151
二、英文文獻 152
附録 164
附錄一:前測一問卷 164
附録二:前測二問卷 168
附録三:實驗一問卷 171
附録四:實驗二問卷 180
附録五:廣告文案與實驗影片 191
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