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Title page for etd-0104123-214212
Investigating consumer's psychological factors on brand loyalty and shopping intention at pop-up stores
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Pop-up Stores, Consumer Behavior, Customer Experience, Brand Loyalty, Theory of Reasoned Action, Structural Equation Modeling
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  本研究透過google表單設計問卷,並使用線上問卷及便利抽樣的方式發布,本研究的研究對象不限定特定消費族群,屬於在台的消費者均為本研究的調查對象。本研究問卷總共分為三大部分,第一部分為詢問消費者對於快閃店的印象與參與經驗,第二部分為主研究架構,探討變項稀少性、享樂購物價值、在快閃店消費的態度、購買商品的意願、參與快閃店的意願、對品牌的忠誠度,以上六個變項關係是否能夠滿足本研究所提出的研究假說,第三部分則為受訪者的基本資料調查,並從當中選擇年齡、職業、平均每月可支配的金額等來探討是否存在調節作用。統計分析的工具利用SPSS 28系統軟體進行資料整理與敘述性統計的分析,以及透過AMOS 28系統軟體來執行驗證性因素分析、路徑分析、結構方程模型分析、與調節作用。


  The objective of this study is to explore the understanding and impression of pop-up stores among consumers in Taiwan, and to analyze whether the experiences and feelings that consumers get from pop-up stores affect their intention to shop at the store in the future and further strengthen the consumer-brand engagement and the intention of brand loyalty. Based on Fishbein and Ajzen's Theory of Reasoned Action as the research framework, the study aims at detecting whether consumers’ perceived scarcity and hedonic value affect the perceived attitude toward pop-up stores, and thereby affect consumers' willingness to purchase merchandise, to participate in activities at pop-up stores, and to enhance their loyalty to the brand. The potential moderate effects of age, income level, and occupation on the above associations were also investigated.
  Individuals’ perception toward pop-up stores and associated psychometric measures were collected through the online questionnaire, designated into three parts. The first part was to ask consumers about consumers' impression and participation experience of pop-up stores. The second part focused on respondents’ psychometric measures including scarcity, hedonic value, attitude toward pop-up stores as an marketing approach, willingness to buy merchandise and to participate in the activities at pop-up stores, and the intention of loyalty to the brand with this marketing approach. The third part was the basic information of the respondents, including age, occupation, and the monthly disposable income on average, which were considered as potential moderators of consumer behaviors. With the approach of convenience sampling, the target population was individuals living in Taiwan. The tools of statistical analysis was SPSS 28 system software for data sorting and descriptive statistics, and AMOS 28 system software for performing confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, structural equation modeling, and the moderation analysis.
  In total, 323 individuals completed the questionnaire with valid responses. The research result indicates that perceived scarcity for the opportunity to buy merchandise and a hedonic shopping value positively impact the consuming attitude at pop-up stores. In addition, the attitude toward pop-up stores has a positive influence on the willingness to buy goods and willingness to participate in marketing activities at pop-up stores. The analysis further found that the attitude toward the pop-up stores is positively associated with the intention of loyalty to the brand. However, the moderate effect of age, occupation, and average monthly disposable amount are not significant.
  Pop-up stores become a modern marketing approach to promote merchandise or brand image, with which retailers can detect consumer’s responses to new merchandise with lower cost and financial risk. The study provides insights on marketing strategies to off-line retailers that, by developing a limited-time-only, physical-interactive, intriguing, and joyful atmosphere, the pop-up stores can motivate consumers’ shopping intention, create an opportunity for consumers to engage with marketing campaigns, and build consumers’ loyalty to the brand, regardless consumers’ age, income, and occupation. We believe that our findings can encourage brand owners and retailers in a more flexible marketing approach.

Keywords:Pop-up Stores、Consumer Behavior、Customer Experience、
Brand Loyalty、Theory of Reasoned Action、Structural Equation Modeling
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究問題與目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 快閃商店 4
第二節 消費者行為 10
第三節 相關學術研究 14
第四節 文獻探討總結 16
第三章 研究方法與設計 17
第一節 研究架構與研究假說 17
第二節 研究設計 23
第三節 統計方法 31
第四章 資料分析與結果 40
第一節 敘述性統計與相關性推論統計結果 40
第二節 驗證性因素分析及信效度分析結果 61
第三節 路徑分析假說檢定結果 77
第四節 結構方程模型假說檢定結果 79
第五節 調節作用檢定結果 81
第五章 討論 84
第一節 研究結果與應用討論 84
第二節 研究目的及結果與過往研究之比較 87
第三節 本研究之實務上的應用 89
第四節 研究限制 91
第六章 結論與建議 93
參考文獻 95
附錄 1 研究問卷 101

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