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Title page for etd-0105123-145445
Customizing Yourself! The Effect of Different Customization Types on Consumers’ Behavioral Intention: The Moderating Effect of Product Involvement and Product Type
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Customization, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Product involvement, Product type, Self-congruity, Willingness to consume behavior
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本研究採用實驗法進行,實驗一為2(客製化類型:核心屬性物件 vs. 周邊屬性物件)x2(產品類型:外顯 vs. 內隱)之雙因子組間設計;實驗二則為2(客製化類型:核心屬性物件 vs. 周邊屬性物件)x2(產品涉入程度:高 vs. 低)x2(產品類型:外顯 vs. 內隱)之三因子組間設計。研究結果發現,核心屬性物件會引起較高的真實自我一致性,周邊屬性物件客製化會引起較高的理想自我一致性。再者,產品涉入程度及產品類型會干擾消費者因不同客製化類型所引發的自我一致性,在低涉入的情況下,客製化類型對真實自我一致性無顯著影響,但是周邊屬性物件客製化的理想自我一致性顯著高於核心屬性物件客製化;而在高涉入的情況下,核心屬性物件客製化的真實自我一致性顯著高於周邊屬性物件客製化,但是客製化類型對理想自我一致性卻無顯著效果;另外,產品為內隱性時,核心屬性物件客製化的真實自我一致性顯著高於周邊屬性物件客製化,但是客製化類型對理想自我一致性則無顯著影響;產品為外顯性時,客製化類型對真實自我一致性沒有顯著影響,但是周邊屬性物件客製化的理想自我一致性顯著高於核心屬性物件客製化。最後,真實自我一致性及理想自我一致性確實為不同客製化類型影響產品態度與購買意願的重要中介變數。
“Mass customization” has been widely used to meet the diverse needs of consumers, who are therefore allowed to combine standard modular components into customized products based on their own needs. By using the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), this study explores how willingness to consume behavior, which are product attitude, willingness to buy, and willingness to pay, is affected by different types of customized products through self-congruity with the variable of customization types. This study also includes variables that may affect the connection between customized products and consumers’ self-concept—product involvement and product type—for in-depth exploration. The data was obtained and evaluated using experimental methods. Experiment 1 is a two-factor between-group design of 2 (customization type: core attribute object vs. peripheral attribute object) x2 (product type: explicit vs. implicit); experiment 2 is a three-factor between-group design of 2 (customization type: core attribute object vs. peripheral attribute object) x2 (product involvement: high vs. low) x2 (product type: explicit vs. implicit). The results show that the core attribute objects lead to higher actual self-congruity while the peripheral attribute objects cause higher ideal self-congruity, and that product involvement and product types interfere with consumers’ self-congruity provoked by different types of customization. It is suggested that actual self-congruity and ideal self-congruity are indeed significant intermediate variables for different customization types to affect product attitude and willingness to buy.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 5
第三節、研究問題 7
第四節、研究目的 8
第貳章、文獻回顧 9
第一節、客製化(Customization) 9
第二節、推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM) 11
第三節、涉入理論(Involvement theory) 14
第四節、產品類型(Product Type) 16
第五節、自我一致性(Self-congruity) 21
第六節、消費行為意願(Consumers’ Behavioral Intention) 22
第參章、研究架構與假說推論 24
第一節、研究架構 24
第二節、假說推論 24
第肆章、實驗一 33
第一節、前測 33
第二節、實驗一 36
第伍章、實驗二 56
第一節、實驗設計 56
第二節、分析結果 59
第陸章、結論與建議 75
第一節、主要研究發現與討論 75
第二節、理論貢獻 79
第三節、實務貢獻 81
第四節、研究限制與未來方向 83
參考文獻 85
附錄一、前測問卷 96
附錄二、實驗一正式問卷 99
附錄三、實驗二正式問卷 129
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