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論文名稱 Title |
零組件製造公司招募成效之個案研究 A case study on the recruiting effectiveness of a components manufacturing company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
63 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2024-01-25 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2024-02-05 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
零組件製造業、招募指標、招募成效、招募管道、招募流程 Component Manufacturing Industry, Recruitment Indicators, Recruitment Effectiveness, Recruitment Channels, Recruitment Process |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 99 次,被下載 2 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 99 times, has been downloaded 2 times. |
中文摘要 |
台灣企業目前在人力資源上面臨的最大問題,是在少子化的狀況下,如何因應人才短缺的情形;及在各業搶才競爭的狀況下,如何讓優秀的人才願意加入並願付出貢獻。這就涉及企業對自身招募現狀數據的收集與分析,方能據此提出改善策略。 本研究採用次級資料法,以YA零組件製造公司為研究對象,收集與分析該公司2021年8月至2022年11月之間在職缺與招募上的數據資料。首先整理歸納公司內部招募的流程。其次根據數據資料與工作日常中之觀察,分析了該公司在實際招募過程中的招募數據指標與成效。 綜合以下發現: 1. 招募指標:在職等上,高層職位開缺率最低,對外招募條件高,平均履歷數量較多,但平均招募天數比基、中層職位較長。在事業單位上,經營管理事業單位開缺率較低,平均履歷數量超過平均標準值,但平均招募天數比後勤支援及生產銷售事業單位較長。在工作職位上,資訊技術開缺率最高,平均收到的履歷較多,平均招募天數比業務管理及行政專業較短。履歷數的多寡及招募天數的長短皆會與開缺的職位條件、工作地域性及招募管道來源等因素而有所影響。 2. 招募成效:在職等上,高層職位招募條件較為嚴格,面談後能合格的應徵者比例較低,較基、中層職位更不易填補;在事業單位上,經營管理事業單位招募條件較為寬鬆,因面談安排率較低,所以在面談能合格的比率較高,應徵者較易受到聘用;在工作職位上,資訊技術工作職位招募條件較為嚴格,所以面談後能合格的比率會降低,應徵者較不易受到聘用。 |
Abstract |
The most significant challenge facing Taiwanese companies in human resources is how to address the talent shortage resulting from a declining birthrate. Moreover, in the competitive landscape across various industries, companies must devise strategies to attract top-tier talent to join their organizations willingly and contribute to their success. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the company itself is crucial in formulating recruitment improvement strategies. This study focuses on YA Components Manufacturing Company as the subject of analysis, employing a secondary data approach to collect and analyze data between August 2021 and November 2022. Through methods such as internal recruitment processes and observations during daily work, as well as historical data records, the study examines recruitment data indicators and effectiveness in the actual recruitment processes within the components manufacturing industry. The findings are synthesized based on these analyses. Recruitment Indicators:In terms of job levels, senior-level positions exhibit the lowest vacancy rates, demanding higher external recruitment standards. On average, there are more resumes received for these positions; however, the recruitment process tends to take longer compared to basic and mid-level positions. Within organizational units, the vacancy rate is lower in business management units, where the average number of resumes exceeds the standard. Nevertheless, the average recruitment duration is longer compared to logistical support and production-sales units. In terms of job positions, information technology roles experience the highest vacancy rates, receiving a greater number of resumes on average. The average recruitment duration is shorter compared to business management and administrative professions. Both the quantity of resumes and the duration of recruitment are influenced by factors such as the job requirements, geographical location, and the source of recruitment channels. Recruitment Effectiveness: In terms of job levels, the senior level has more stringent recruitment criteria, resulting in a lower percentage of applicants passing interviews. It is comparatively more challenging to fill senior positions than basic and mid-level roles. Within organizational units, business management units have relatively relaxed recruitment criteria, leading to a higher interview success rate due to a lower interview arrangement rate. Consequently, applicants are more likely to be hired in these units. In job positions, information technology roles have stringent recruitment criteria, resulting in a lower percentage of applicants passing interviews and facing challenges in securing employment. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致謝 ii 中文摘要 iii 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究目的3 第二章 文獻回顧4 第一節 招募4 第二節 零組件製造業11 第三節 招募成效相關文獻13 第三章 研究方法15 第一節 個案研究法15 第二節 研究對象16 第三節 資料收集18 第四節 資料分析19 第四章 結果分析21 第一節 任用流程21 第二節 招募指標的分析24 第三節 招募成效35 第五章 討論與建議46 第一節 研究結論46 第二節 研究討論48 第三節 研究限制49 第四節 研究建議50 參考文獻51 一、中文部分51 二、英文部分52 三、網站資料53 |
參考文獻 References |
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