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論文名稱 Title |
KOL業配行為對個人品牌共鳴影響之研究-以彩妝業配為例 A Study on the Impacts of Personal Brand Resonance from KOL's Promoted Posts - Using Instagram Makeup and Beauty Promoted Post as Examples |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
76 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-06-29 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-02-06 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
關鍵意見領袖、業務配合文章、Instagram、品牌共鳴金字塔、美妝、個人品牌權益 key opinion leader, promoted post, Instagram, brand resonance pyramid, Makeup and Beauty |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 393 次,被下載 28 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 393 times, has been downloaded 28 times. |
中文摘要 |
根據 Digital 2022 TAIWAN 數據指出,台灣截至 2022 年 1 月止,台灣網路 使用者高達 2,172 萬人,因網路快速的普及化,掀起社群媒體的熱潮,關鍵意見 領袖憑各自的流量為自己和各大品牌博取聲量,業配文章也以不同的方式呈現, 美妝類型之 KOL 又以在 Instagram 的數量最多,原因在於美妝產品品牌最注重以 視覺化的方式呈現,而現今研究多半在討論「KOL 業配文和粉絲之間互動相關內 容」、「KOL 是否帶動網路口碑行銷」皆以消費者或品牌方作為主角探討 KOL 此 傳播管道的「廣告效果」,因此本研究以「個人品牌」的角度出發,彌補現今文 獻之缺口。 本研究將 Instagram 上美妝屬性的 KOL 以個案研究之方法,並同時以數據資 料佐證,深入探討業配文章對於 KOL 個人品牌共鳴的影響為何,以及 KOL 該如何 挑選業務配合之產品,從研究得知,在打造「個人品牌共鳴」可以從業配內容的 「關聯性」下手,若業配貼文提供高度與粉絲相關的內容,如:教學影片、抽獎 文章等,即能增加其互動率,也可透過感性訴求之訊息,來增加 KOL 和粉絲間的 社群感。 |
Abstract |
According to Digital 2022: TAIWAN data, as of January 2022, Taiwan had 21.72 million Internet users. Due to the rapid popularization of the Internet, there has been a surge in social media. Key opinion leaders, with their own network traffic, To gain voice for themselves and many brands, promoted post are also presented in different ways. The number of beauty KOLs on Instagram is the largest. The reason is that beauty product brands pay the most attention to presentation in a visual way, and nowadays most of the research discusses "KOL industry content related to the interaction between fans" and "whether KOLs drive online word-of-mouth marketing", all of which focus on consumers or cooperative brands as the protagonists to discuss the "advertising effect" of KOL's communication channel. Therefore, This study bridges the gap in the cash literature from a "personal brand" perspective. This research uses a case study method for KOLs with beauty attributes on Instagram, which must be supported by data at the same time, and deeply explores the impact of industry matching articles on KOLs’ personal brand resonance, and how KOLs choose products for business cooperation. Knowing that when creating "personal brand resonance", you can start with the "relevance" of professional content. If the professional content provides content that is highly relevant to fans, such as teaching videos, lottery articles, etc., it can increase its interaction rate, and also The sense of community between KOLs and fans can be increased through the messages of emotional appeals. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 論文審定書 .......................................................... i 誌謝 ............................................................... ii 中文摘要 .......................................................... iii Abstract ........................................................... iv 目錄 ................................................................ v 圖目錄 ........................................................... viii 表目錄 ............................................................. ix 第一章 緒論 ......................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 ............................................... 2 第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................................... 4 第一節 Instagram 平台現況和特色 ...................................... 4 第二節 關鍵意見領袖和產品知識 ....................................... 5 第三節 業配訊息內容 ................................................. 6 第四節 個人品牌權益 ................................................. 7 第三章 研究方法 .................................................... 12 第一節 多重個案研究法 .............................................. 12 第二節 研究流程 .................................................... 13 第三節 個案選擇和資料來源概述 ...................................... 13 第四節 資料欄位介紹相關之研究 ...................................... 14 第五節 研究資料分析方法 ............................................ 15 第四章 個案分析 .................................................... 17 第一節:個案 1:紀卜心 kimi ......................................... 17 第二節:個案 2:莫莉 Molly .......................................... 20 第三節:個案3:蔡瑞雪.............................................. 23 第四節:個案4:Gina Hello.......................................... 26 第五節:個案 5:凱利 Kelly Yang ..................................... 29 第六節:個案6:一隻阿圓............................................ 32 第七節:個案7:Hello Catie......................................... 34 第八節:個案8:劉芒................................................ 37 第九節:個案9:唐葳 Weiwei......................................... 40 第十節:個案 10:吳斐莉 Natalie ..................................... 42 第十一節 綜合分析 .................................................. 45 第五章 研究結論 .................................................... 48 第一節 研究發現 .................................................... 48 第二節 研究結果 .................................................... 48 第三節 研究限制 .................................................... 51 第四節 研究建議 .................................................... 52 文獻參考 ........................................................... 53 附錄 ............................................................... 57 KOL 各項表現數據1 .................................................. 57 KOL 各項表現數據2 .................................................. 58 KOL 3/15-6/11 每日追蹤變化量 ........................................ 59 |
參考文獻 References |
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