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Title page for etd-0106123-040324
The Effect of Different Types of Reward Advertising on Advertising Attitude and Game Attitude through Perceived Value:The Moderating Effect of Advertising Length and Game Genre
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Reward advertising, Advertising length, Game genre, Perceived Value, Advertising attitude, Game attitude
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本研究採用實驗法,藉由3 (獎勵類型:遊戲貨幣 vs. 遊戲道具 vs.遊戲角色生命值) X 2(廣告長度:長廣告 vs. 短廣告) X 2(遊戲類型:策略遊戲 vs. 益智遊戲)三因子組間設計,透過廣告長度和遊戲類型組合的12種廣告了解消費者在不同遊戲體驗中點擊不同長度的廣告,是否會對獲得的獎勵有不同的知覺價值,進而因為知覺價值影響廣告態度和遊戲態度。共招募507人參加實驗,研究結果發現,在排除干擾效果之下,不同獎勵式廣告的獎勵類別具有相同的知覺價值,然而當玩家點擊長廣告後,遊戲道具獎勵會有最高的知覺價值;當玩家點擊短廣告後,遊戲道具獎勵卻有最低的知覺價值。在策略遊戲時,遊戲道具獎勵有最高的知覺價值,但在益智遊戲時,遊戲角色生命值卻有較高的知覺價值。最後,獎勵式廣告的獎勵類別將不會透過知覺價值影響廣告態度和遊戲態度,但在加入廣告長度和遊戲類型的干擾效果,獎勵式廣告的獎勵類別則會透過知覺價值影響廣告態度和遊戲態度。
In order to reduce the interference of advertisements with games and to increase players' willingness to click on advertisements, bonus advertisements that reward players with virtual items after the advertisements have been played have emerged. However, the rewards of reward advertising are different, and players have different attitudes towards advertisings and games due to different virtual rewards. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how different virtual rewards have different effects on advertising and game attitudes through perceived value, based on the rewards ads in mobile digital game. At the same time, this study also includes the factors that may affect the perceived value, such as ad length and game genre, to investigate.
This study adopts an experimental method to find out whether consumers have different perceived value of the rewards they receive by clicking on different length of advertisements in different game experiences through an inter-group design of 3 (reward type: game currency vs. game character life vs. game props) X 2 (advertising length: long advertisement vs. short advertisement) X 2 (game genre: strategy game vs. puzzle game). The study was conducted to find out whether consumers have different perceived value of the rewards they get when they click on different length of advertisements in different game experiences, and then the perceived value affect their attitudes towards advertising and game. A total of 507 participants were recruited to participate in the experiment, and the results showed that, excluding the interference effect, the reward categories of different reward advertisings have the same perceived value, however, when players clicked on long advertisings, the game prop rewards had the highest perceived value; when players clicked on short advertisings, the game prop rewards had the lowest perceived value. In strategy game, the game item bonus has a higher perceived value, but in puzzle games, the game character life value has a higher perceived value. Finally, the perceived value effect alone does not affect advertising attitude and game attitude, but the advertising attitude and game attitude of the reward category of the reward advertising are mediated by perceived value under the interaction effect of advertising length and game genre.
目次 Table of Contents
論 文 審 定 書 i
謝 誌 ii
摘 要 iii
目 錄 v
圖 次 vi
表 次 vii
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究動機 6
第三節、 研究問題 8
第四節、 研究目的 8
第貳章、 文獻回顧 9
第一節、 獎勵式廣告(Reward Advertisements) 9
第二節、 知覺價值(Perceived Value) 15
第三節、 廣告長度(Advertising Length) 17
第四節、 數位遊戲類型(Game Genre) 20
第五節、 廣告態度與遊戲態度(Advertising Attitude and Game Attitude) 23
第參章、 研究架構與研究假說 25
第一節、 研究架構 25
第二節、 假說推論 25
第肆章、 研究方法 30
第一節、 實驗 30
第伍章、 研究結果 36
第一節、 實驗分析結果 36
第陸章、 結論與建議 50
第一節、 主要研究發現與討論 50
第二節、 理論意涵 53
第三節、 實務意涵 55
第四節、 研究限制與未來方向 56
參考文獻 57
附錄一、正式實驗問卷 64
參考文獻 References
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