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Title page for etd-0120106-153118
Study on the Vegetation Ecology of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in the Middle and Upper Watershed of Nan-Tz-Shian Stream in Southwestern Taiwan
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Nan-Tze-Shian stream, Multivariate statistical analysis, Vegetation types.
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本研究主要目的是以多變數法分析楠梓仙溪中上游集水區的森林植被資料。依據植相與植物組成,主觀性地認定較均勻的林分,共設置了70個樣區,每一個樣區是由20個5公尺 × 5公尺的方格所組合而成。記錄樣區的位置、海拔高度、坡度、坡向及微地形等5項環境因子。凡出現在樣區中胸高直徑1公分以上的木本植物,皆登錄名稱並測量其胸徑;出現在地被層的植物,則登錄名稱並估測其覆蓋度。在70個500平方公尺的樣區中,共記錄到563種維管束植物,分別屬於118科321屬。在203種木本植物中,主要由樟科、殼斗科、茶科、灰木科及桑科等植物所組成。使用降趨對應分析法來呈現70個樣區在空間上的分布情形,並與5項環境因子求相關。結果顯示本研究地區之植物組成與植被類型之空間分布明顯與海拔高及全天光空域有顯著的相關性。植被型之分類使用群團分析法、雙向指標種分析法與列表比較法將70個樣區分成9個基本林型,分別為A.高山新木薑子-赤柯群叢、B.巒大越橘-長尾尖葉櫧群叢、C.大葉石櫟-狹葉櫟群叢、D.瓊楠群叢、E.黃杞-錐果櫟群叢、F.山龍眼-小西氏楠群叢、G.台灣苦櫧群叢、H.香楠-鵝掌柴群叢、I.澀葉榕-大葉楠群叢。此9個基本群叢分別可合併成 (I) 狹葉櫟群團、(II)瓊楠群團及(III)大葉楠群團。本研究的結果將可幫助我們了解此研究區域的植物歧異度與植被類型,並可將此結果應用在植被圖的繪製與環境監測的研究上。
To determine the relationship between vegetation and environmental parameters in the middle and upper watershed of Nan-Tze-Shian stream, the first comprehensive multivariate statistical analysis of the woody vegetation data obtained from field survey, is presented. According to physiognomy and plant composition, 70 homogenous stands were sampled in the area. Each plot is composed of twenty 5 × 5 m2 quadrates. Five environmental factors including plot location, altitude, slope, aspect and microtopography were recorded. All woody plants in each plot species with dbh ≥ 1cm present in the quadrates were identified, and their dbh were measured. In addition, ground layer species were identified and evaluated by their coverage. The vascular plants inventory recorded a total of 118 families, 321 genera and 563 species. Among the 203 woody plants, the families are rich in species including Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Symploaceae and Moraceae. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was applied to the ordination analysis, to clarify the spatial variation of the 70 plots and search for relationship of the variation with 5 environmental variables. Classification of the vegetation types was conducted by the cluster analysis (CA), two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and tabular comparison method. The results obtained from the analysis are that the distribution of vegetation types and flora are obvious and sensitive to the elevation and whole light sky space (WLS) and the floristic classification distinguished 9 forest types: Neolitsea acuminatissima - Cyclobalanopsis morii, Vaccinium randaiense - Castanopsis cuspidata, Pasania kawakamii - Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia, Engelhardtia roxburghiana - Cyclobalanopsis longinux, Helicia formosana - Machilus konishii kusanoi, Castanopsis formosana, Machilus zuihoensis - Schefflera octophylla and Ficus irisana - Machilus kusanoi associations. The associations were re-arranged by tabular comparison method for developing a hierachy of forest vegetation system. This hierachical system consists of Three alliances, characterized by Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia and Machilus kusanoi, respectively. Finally, I ascribed the vertical vegetation spectrum along with altitude gradient. The altitudinal boundaries between upper Quercus, lower Quercus and Machilus-Castanopsis zones are ca. 1800 m and 1200 m, respectively. The results might help us to understand the habitat diversity and plant diversity in the area, and those are expected to apply to vegetation mapping and environment monitoring.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
壹、前言 1
貳、前人研究 3
一、台灣植物地理區系、植被帶與植群類型之研究歷史 3
二、台灣西南部的植群研究歷史 6
參、相關理論 20
一、植群基本概念 20
二、植群分類學派 21
三、植群分析方法 22
四、植被圖 24
肆、研究地區概述 26
一、位置 26
二、地質與土壤 26
三、氣候 26
四、植被 27
伍、研究方法 30
一、資料收集與踏勘 30
二、野外取樣 30
三、環境因子觀測與評估 30
四、資料統計與分析 31
陸、結果 34
一、植物組成與結構 34
二、梯度分析 35
三、植群型分類與描述 36
柒、討論 60
一、取樣 60
二、植物組成與結構 60
三、分布序列 61
四、植群分類 61
五、植群型與植群帶之比對 62
六、植被圖之繪製 65
七、干擾 65
捌、結論 66
玖、引用文獻 67
拾、附錄 76
附錄一 76
附錄二 78
參考文獻 References
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