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博碩士論文 etd-0211121-105226 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0211121-105226
受助者的熱情與決心會讓你捐款嗎? 哀兵vs.受害者對非營利組織敘事廣告的影響
Will Recipients’ Conscientiousness Make You Donate? The Effect of the Underdog vs. Victim on the Narrative Advertisement of Non-profit Organizations.
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Nonprofit Organization, Narrative, Underdog, Conscientiousness, Empathy, Identify with the Protagonist, Willingness to Donate
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非營利組織(Nonprofit Organization, NPO)已經是現在社會中一個不可或缺的角色。雖是不以營利為導向的組織,但身處在劇烈變動的環境中,為了獲得更多的資源或財源,非營利組織必須要善用行銷工具來達成募款目標。本研究主要探討在非營利組織敘事廣告中,使用哀兵敘事相對於受害者敘事方式喚起閱聽者在認知與情緒上對敘事主角認同的程度的差異,進而對於捐款意願的影響,本研究主要探討五個研究問題:一、NPO廣告敘事中的哀兵方式,相較於受害者方式,是否會提升閱聽者對主角的勤勉審慎性的感知? 二、NPO廣告敘事中的受害者方式,相較於哀兵方式,哪種更容易引發閱聽者的同理心? 三、對主角的勤勉審慎性感知及對主角的同理心是否影響閱聽者對主角的認同? 四、對敘事主角的認同是否影響捐款意願?五、閱聽者的性別是否對不同敘事方式所喚起的同理心的差異有調節作用?
Non-profit organizations now play an indispensable role in society. Although it is not a profit-oriented organization, it exists in a drastically evolving environment. In order to obtain more resources or financial resources, non-profit organizations must make good use of marketing tools to achieve fundraising goals. This research examines the influence of varying degrees of passion and determination of underdog on readers’ willingness to donate when the concept of underdog effect is employed in narrative advertisements of non-profit organizations. This research focuses on discussing five research questions: 1. In comparison with the victim approach, does the underdog approach in the NPO advertising narrative enhance readers' perception of the protagonist’s conscientiousness? 2. Comparing the underdog narrative and the victim narrative in the narrative of NPO advertising, which method is more likely to trigger empathy among readers? 3. Do the ability to sense the conscientiousness of the protagonist and the empathy for the protagonist affect whether they can identify with the protagonist? 4. Does the ability to identify or resonate with the protagonist of the narrative affect the willingness to donate? 5. Does the gender of the reader have a moderating effect on the different degrees of empathy aroused by different narrative methods?
This research finds that the different narrative methods of non-profit organizations' advertisements will affect the readers’ willingness to donate. The underdog narrative has a better effect than the victim's narrative, and the underdog narrative also positively affects the reader’s perception of conscientiousness of the protagonist. The easier the research participant is able to sense or detect the conscientious trait of the protagonist in the narrative, the greater degree of empathy is displayed, thereby increasing the level of resonating with the protagonist and with this, the research participant is more willing to donate.
When designing the story of advertisement for the non-profit organization to capture the attention of the target audience in their daily life, it is expected that the advertisement has a highlight that stands out from the numerous advertisement on the market. Thus, based on the results of this research, we suggest to use underdog narrative in the story telling, as it can elevate perceived conscientiousness and empathy towards the protagonist which will increase the degree of willingness to donate, hence meeting the fund-raising goal of non-profit organizations' advertisement.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書………………………………………………….….. i
誌 謝………………………………………………………….….. ii
中文摘要………………………………………………………….….. iii
英文摘要………………………………………………………….….. iv
第 一 章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景..………………………………………………. 1
第二節 研究動機..………………………………………………. 3
第三節 研究問題..………………………………………………. 6
第四節 研究目的..………………………………………………. 6
第 二 章 文獻探討………………………….……………………… 8
第一節 故事…….………………………………………..…….... 8
第二節 敘事說服.………………………………………..…….... 9
第三節 哀兵效應.…………………………………………….... 11第四節 勤勉審慎性………………………………………….... 14第五節 同理心….…………………………………………….... 16第六節 主角認同.…………………………………………….... 18第七節 捐款意願.…………………………………………….... 19
第 三 章 假說推論………………………………………………… 21
第一節 研究架構.…………………………………………….... 21第二節 研究假說.…………………………………………….... 22

第 四 章 研究方法………………………………………………… 27
第一節 樣本與實驗設計…………………………………….... 27
第二節 實驗情境、實驗刺激與前測……………………….... 28
第三節 實驗程序.…………………………………………….... 34
第四節 變數衡量.…………………………………………….... 34
第 五 章 資料分析方法…………………………………………… 38
第一節 研究樣本………...…………………………………….... 39
第二節 心理變數之量表信度分析、平均值和標準差……….... 40
第三節 研究變數之操弄性檢定……………………….…….... 42
第四節 假說驗證……………….……………………….……….... 43
第 六 章 討論………………………………………………………… 51
第 七 章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 52
第一節 研究發現……………….……………………….………....53
第二節 理論貢獻……………….……………………….……….... 55
第三節 實務意涵……………….……………………….………....58
第四節 研究限制....................….……………………….……….... 60
第五節 未來研究方向………….……………………….……….... 62
參考文獻……………………………………………………….…… 64
一、 中文文獻………….……………………….………. .…… 64
二、 英文文獻………….…………………….……. .……. .…67
附 錄………………………………………………………….…… 72
一、 前測問卷………….……………………….………. .…… 72
二、 實驗問卷………….……………………….………. .…… 79
圖2-1 哀兵效應矩陣 ……………………………………….…… 11
圖3-1 研究架構圖 ……………………………………….…… 21
圖5-1 勤勉審慎性中介效果圖 ………………………..…….……. 49
圖5-2 同理心中介效果圖 ………………………..……..…….……. 51

表2-1 哀兵效應相關主題整理 …………………………….…… 14
表4-1 捐款意願衡量問項 ……………………………….……… 35
表4-2 哀兵效應衡量問項 ……………………………….……… 35
表4-3 感知勤勉審慎性衡量問項 ……………………….……… 37
表4-4 同理心衡量問項 ………………………………….……… 37
表4-5 主角認同衡量問項 ……………………………….……… 38
表5-1 受測者基本資料之敘述性統計 ……………………. …… 39
表5-2 變數之平均數、標準差和量表信度分析數值表 .…….… 41
表5-3 NPO廣告敘事類型之統計數值 …………….………. ..… 42
表5-4 感知勤勉審慎性之統計資料 ……………………. ..…..… 43
表5-5 感知勤勉審慎性之獨立樣本T檢定…………………. ….. 43
表5-6 同理心統計資料 ……………………. ….. ……….……… 44
表5-7 同理心獨立樣本T檢定 ………………….. …..…..….….. 44
表5-8 性別統計資料…………………………………………. ….. 45
表5-9 性別獨立樣本T檢定…………………………………. ….. 45
表5-10 性別群組統計資料 ……………………...……………. ….. 45
表5-11 同理心、主角認同、勤勉審慎性之相關性矩陣……. …… 46
表5-12 主角認同&捐款意願之相關矩陣 …………………. ………. 46
表5-13 勤勉審慎性、主角認同與捐款意願的中介效果(模型四) 的迴歸係數……………………. ……. …….…….…….……. 48
表5-14 同理心、主角認同與捐款意願的中介效果(模型四)
的迴歸係數 …………………. ……………………………… 50
表6-1 實驗假說驗證彙整表 …………………………………….… 46
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