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博碩士論文 etd-0211121-123227 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0211121-123227
你準備好被捲入敘事世界了嗎? 探討募款廣告的增益和減損敘事框架對捐款意願之影響
Are you Ready to Get Swept up into the Narrative World? The Impact of Gain and Loss Narrative Frames of Fundraising Advertisements on Donation Intention.
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intentions to donate, guilt, transportation-imagery model, loss frames, gain frames, narrative frames, narrative persuasion, non-profit organizations, fundraising advertisements, storytelling
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 396 times, has been downloaded 92 times.
In order to increase the social services provided by the public sector, non-profit organizations are often established willingly to maintain the operation of the organization by raising funds from enterprises or the general public. However, the instability of fundraising can easily affect the services provided by non-profit organizations. Taking he cases of the legal Social Welfare Foundations in Taiwan as examples, the number has grown by 13% from 2011 to 2018, but the fundraising income has decreased by 6%. Most of the fundraising was gathered only in a few non-profit organizations, resulting in crowding out other smaller organizations and uneven distribution of resources. Therefore, striving for fundraising from the public has become the primary goal of the organization’s operations. Understanding how to stand out among many fundraising advertisements and to make it favored by readers, and how readers’ cognition and emotion work is thus the essence of the fundraising process.
This study uses a quasi-experimental method to verify six hypotheses, and explores the effect of the perception of gain and loss caused by the narrative frames in fundraising advertisements on the intentions to donate, and the effect of transportation-imagery and guilt as an intermediary. In particular, the analytical results reveal the followings: (1) The higher the gain or loss perception caused by the narrative frames, the higher the degree of transport will be experienced by the readers. (2) The gain perception caused by the gain frame influence indirectly and positively the intentions of donation through the transportation. But on the contrary, the loss perception caused by the loss frame has no such effect. (3) The higher the loss perception caused by the narrative frame, the higher is the degree of guilt by the reader. But the gain perception has no such effect. (4) Whether the reader receives the gain or loss perception caused by the narrative frames, as long as the degree of guilt is higher, the intentions of donation will be higher. (5) Both gain and loss perception enhance the intentions of donation directly; and (6) the persuasive effect of loss frame with guilt is better than gain frame in advertising transportation.
The theoretical contribution of this study is to propose how to apply related concepts such as narrative frames, transportation-imagery model and guilt to the field of fundraising by non-profit organizations, and to point out the correlation between the three and the intentions to donate. In addition, they provide fundraisers with how to use the narrative frames to manipulate the audience’s perception of gain or loss effectively, so as to promote the audience’s transportation-imagery or guilt, and thereby enhance the effect of advertising.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究問題 7
第四節 研究目的 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 非營利組織的募款現況 9
第二節 捐款意願 10
第三節 訊息框架 12
第四節 敘事說服與意向運輸模型 14
第五節 內疚感 19
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構與假說 21
第二節 樣本與實驗設計 22
第三節 實驗刺激 28
第四節 實驗程序 29
第五節 變數衡量 30
第四章 資料分析 34
第一節 增益感知研究樣本 34
第二節 減損感知研究樣本 42
第三節 假說檢定結果 50
第四節 小結 51
第五章 結論與建議 52
第一節 研究發現 52
第二節 理論貢獻 53
第三節 實務意涵 55
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 56
參考文獻 57
中文文獻 57
英文文獻 61
附錄 68
前測問卷─增益 68
前測問卷─減損 74
正式問卷─兒童增益 80
正式問卷─兒童減損 84
正式問卷─長者增益 88
正式問卷─長者減損 92


圖3-1 研究架構圖 21
圖4-1 SPSS PROCESS套件中的模型四(平行中介) 37
圖4-2 SPSS PROCESS套件中的模型四(平行中介)套用圖 38
圖4-3 SPSS PROCESS套件中的模型四(平行中介) 45
圖4-4 SPSS PROCESS套件中的模型四(平行中介)套用圖 46


表3-1 增益感知的問項 23
表3-2 減損感知的問項 24
表3-3 文案內容 24
表3-4 敘事框架結語 29
表3-5 增益敘事框架衡量問項 30
表3-6 減損敘事框架衡量問項 31
表3-7 捐款意圖評量題項 31
表3-8 意向運輸程度量表 32
表3-9 內疚感的評量問項 33
表4-1 人口敘述性統計表 34
表4-2 信度分析表 36
表4-3 各變量測量題項之敘述性統計及相關分析表 37
表4-4 增益感知、意向運輸、內疚感、捐款意願直接效果表 38
表4-5 意向運輸和內疚感的間接效果表 39
表4-6 增益感知與中介意向運輸對捐款意願之影響 40
表4-7 增益感知與中介內疚感對捐款意願之影響 41
表4-8 人口敘述性統計表 42
表4-9 信度分析表 43
表4-10 各變量測量題項之敘述性統計及相關分析表 45
表4-11 減損感知、意向運輸、內疚感、捐款意願直接效果表 46
表4-12 意向運輸和內疚感的間接效果表 47
表4-13 減損感知與中介意向運輸對捐款意願之影響 48
表4-14 減損感知與中介內疚感對捐款意願之影響 49
表4-15 實驗假說驗證彙整表 50
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