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Title page for etd-0330122-164918
人們為何不升級他們的智慧手機? 將推力拉力繫住力模式擴展至垂直轉換情況中
Why don’t people upgrade their smartphones? Extending the push-pull-mooring model to a vertical switching context
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upgrade, smartphones, perceived obsolescence, upgrade benefits, social influence, status quo bias
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由於客戶更換手機的速度不如以往,智慧型手機製造商面臨日益嚴重的挑戰,此事產生了兩個主要問題。首先,銷售最新版本的智慧型手機所獲得的收益因此減少。其次,隨著許多消費者持續使用原有的舊型手機,智慧型手機製造商維持多款機型的手機成本因而增加。因此,本研究的主要目的是探討推動和阻礙消費者更換智慧型手機的理由。基於「推-拉-繫住力理論(PPM theory),本研究設計一個研究模式來解釋智慧型手機使用者更換手機的行為。本研究調查了263位印尼智慧型手機使用者。研究結果顯示,更換手機的意願受到推力因素(即認為過時)、拉力因素(即更換的好處和社會影響力)和繫住力因素(即現狀偏差)的影響。本研究透過將「推-拉-繫住力理論」和現狀偏差理論延伸至垂直轉換背景下,為學術做出了貢獻。此外從實踐角度來看,掌握好消費者的消費行為有助於智慧型手機製造商制定更有效的策略,縮短消費者更換手機的週期。
Smartphone manufacturers face a growing problem since customers do not upgrade their handsets as quickly as before. Two major problems arise from such a situation. First, the revenue obtained from selling the latest version of the smartphone is therefore limited. Second, the cost of maintaining more versions of smartphones increases as many customers remain using the legacy model. The objective of this study is, therefore, to shed light on what factors drive and hold up customers from upgrading their smartphones. Based on the PPM framework, I identified those factors and developed a research model to enhance our understanding of smartphone users’ upgrading behaviors. Survey respondents comprising a total of 263 smartphone users in Indonesia were observed. The findings suggest that upgrade intention was effectively influenced by push factors (i.e., perceived obsolescence), pull factors (i.e., upgrading benefits and social influence), and mooring factors (i.e., status quo bias). This study contributes to academia by extending the PPM model and the status quo bias theory to the context of vertical switching. From a practical perspective, the better understanding gained can help smartphone manufacturers develop strategies to encourage users to accelerate their upgrade cycle.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Acknowledgements iii
摘 要 iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figure viii
List of Table ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background 6
2.1. Upgrading Behavior 6
2.2. Push Pull Mooring (PPM) Model 8
2.2.1. Push Factors 12
2.2.2. Pull Factors 13
2.2.3. Mooring Factors 14
2.3. Obsolescence 15
2.3.1. Functional Obsolescence 15
2.3.2. Technological Obsolescence 16
2.3.3. Economic Obsolescence 16
2.4.4. Psychological Obsolescence 17
2.4. Upgrading Benefits 17
2.4.1. Emotional Value 18
2.4.2. Quality Value 19
2.4.3. Price Value 19
2.4.4. Social Value 20
2.5. Social Influence 21
2.5.1. Social Norms 21
2.5.2. Critical Mass 22
2.6. Status Quo Bias 23
2.6.1. Rational Decision Making 23
2.6.2. Cognitive Misperception 25
2.6.3. Psychological Commitment 26
Chapter 3. Research Model and Hypotheses Development 28
3.1. Purchase Intention Model 29
3.1.1. Perceived Need 29
3.1.2. Affordability 30
3.2.. Push Factor: Perceived Obsolescence 31
3.3. Pull Factors: Upgrading Benefits and Social influence 32
3.3.1. Upgrading Benefits 32
3.3.2. Social Influence 34
3.4. Mooring Factor: Status Quo Bias 37
3.4.1. Rational Decision Making 38
3.4.2. Cognitive misperception 39
3.4.3. Psychological commitment 40
Chapter 4. Research Method 43
4.1. Research Setting 43
4.2. Measurement Development 43
4.3. Pretest and Pilot Test Assessment 46
4.4. Data Collection Procedure 47
Chapter 5. Analyses and Results 49
5.1. Common Method Bias 49
5.2. Measurement Model 51
5.2.1. Assessment of the First-Order Constructs 51
5.2.2. Assessment of the Second-Order Constructs 59
5.3. Structural Model 60
5.4. Analysis of Direct and Indirect Effects 61
Chapter 6. Discussion 63
6.1. Discussion 63
6.2. Theoretical Implication 65
6.3. Practical Implication 67
6.4. Limitation and Future Study 69
Reference 71

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