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論文名稱 Title |
案例大賽對公共管理專業學位碩士生職業關鍵能力的影響研究 The Effect of Case Competition on the Key Competencies of Students in Master of Public Administration Programs |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
171 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-01-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-05-13 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
同儕協作行為、教師指導行為、公共管理案例大賽、問題解決能力、團隊合作能力 teacher guidance behavior, public administration case competition, peer collaboration behavior, teamwork competency, problem solving competency |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 424 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 424 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
案例大賽作為競賽性質的課外學術活動,對公共管理專業學位碩士生(students in Master of Public Administration programs, 以下簡稱MPA學生)職業關鍵能力的發展有重要意義。然而過去文獻對案例大賽與能力關係的探討較少,尤其缺乏深入的實證分析。本研究目的在於探究案例大賽是否會對MPA學生職業關鍵能力產生影響,以及參賽歷程中的重要因素會對MPA學生職業關鍵能力產生何種作用。在本研究中,職業關鍵能力限定為:團隊合作能力、問題解決能力;參賽歷程中的重要因素是指:教師指導行為、同儕協作行為。 本論文包含兩大部分。第一部分在衡量可用資源與有關條件(譬如,案例大賽每年的舉辦次數)後,採準實驗設計,使用「團隊合作能力量表」與「問題解決能力測驗」作為研究工具,選擇H校公共管理學院的三類二年級MPA學生為研究對象:(1)未參加案例大賽的學生(未參賽組);(2)報名參賽,提交了完整的案例及分析報告,但案例文本質量未被專家認可的學生(初賽組);(3)創作的案例文本質量較高,且進行過現場PK的學生(決賽組)。以共變數分析(ANCOVA)控制在學成績表現,觀察決賽組(n = 22)、初賽組(n = 22)、未參賽組(n = 22),三組學生團隊合作能力、問題解決能力的情況,並輔之以質性訪談。研究結果顯示:一、不同組別間的團隊合作能力差距會因在學成績的不同而有所差異:當在學成績處於相對較低水平時,決賽組團隊合作能力顯著高於未參賽組,初賽組與未參賽組則無顯著差異;當在學成績位於中間水平時,結果亦相同,不過三組間的差距變小;當在學成績處於相對較高水平時,三組間團隊合作能力的差異均不顯著。二、不同組別間問題解決能力的分數不會因在學成績的不同而有所差異:無論在學成績高低,決賽組問題解決能力均高於未參賽組,而初賽組與未參賽組間未有顯著差異。 第二部分以立意取樣的方式,使用「案例大賽參與經歷量表」、「團隊合作能力量表」與「問題解決能力測驗」作為研究工具,對2020年9月至2021年底參加過各類案例大賽的MPA學生(N = 262)施測,對結果進行多元迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:一、教師指導風格越民主,同儕協調越好,越有利於學生團隊合作能力的發展。二、教師指導風格越民主,指導能力越強,越有利於學生問題解決能力的發展。 根據以上發現,筆者提出建議,以作此項賽事之指導及未來有關研究之參考。 |
Abstract |
As a competitive extracurricular academic activity, the case competition is of great significance to the development of key competencies of students in Master of Public Administration programs (hereinafter referred to as MPA students). However, in the past, the literature had little discussion on the relationship between case competition and competencies, and in-depth empirical analysis was even scarcer. The purpose of this study is to explore whether case competitions will have an impact on MPA students' key competencies, and how do important factors in the competition process affect the key competencies of MPA students? In this study, the key competencies examined are: teamwork competency and problem-solving competency; the important factors in the process of competition are: teacher's guiding behavior and peer cooperation behavior. This research conducted two studies. In light of circumstances, such as the number of competitions held each year, Study 1 adopted a quasi experimental design. The "Teamwork Competency Scale" and "Problem Solving Competency Test" were used as research tools. Three groups of second year MPA students in the H University participated in Study 1. They were (a) students who joined a case competition in H University and succeeded to enter the final round (finalist group); (b) students who joined the competition but failed in the preliminary round (preliminary group); and (c) students who did not participate in the competition (control group). The aforementioned tools were administered to these groups (n = 22 for each) and the scores were compared by covariate analysis (ANCOVA), with the students’ academic performance as covariate. Six students also received a follow-up interview. The results showed that the gap of teamwork competency between groups was qualified by academic achievement. When the academic achievement was at a relatively low level, the teamwork competency of the final group is significantly higher than that of the control group, and there was no significant difference between the preliminary and control group; when the academic achievement was at the middle level, the results were the same, but the gap between the three groups becomes smaller; when the academic achievement was at a relatively high level, the difference of teamwork competency among the three groups was not significant. However, the group difference of problem-solving competency did not vary across levels of academic achievements. Regardless of academic achievement, the problem-solving competency of the final group was higher than that of the control group, whereas there was no significant difference between the preliminary and control group. Study 2 was a survey of students who had joined case competitions. The variables studied here were also different from those in Study 1. This survey used the "Case Competition Participation Experience Scale," "Teamwork Competency Scale," and "Problem Solving Competency Test" as research tools. These were administered to 262 MPA students who participated in various case competitions from September 2020 to the end of 2021, and the results were analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results suggested that (a) both democratic guidance style and good team coordination are beneficial to teamwork competency; and (b) the more democratic the teacher's guidance style is, and/or the stronger the teacher's guidance competency is, the higher will be students' problem-solving competency. Based on findings from the above studies, several recommendations were made for future studies and how students may benefit more from case competitions. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 ⅰ 誌謝 ⅱ 中文摘要 ⅲ 英文摘要 ⅴ 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與研究問題 4 1.3 名詞釋義 5 第2章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 職業關鍵能力 7 2.2 釐清參賽歷程中可能影響MPA學生能力的因素 15 2.3 梳理研究現狀 確定分析事項 18 2.4 案例大賽影響MPA學生能力之路徑剖析 24 2.5 團隊合作能力之測量 26 2.6 問題解決能力之測量 34 第3章 研究設計與實施 37 3.1 研究設計 37 3.2 研究假設 43 3.3 研究對象 45 3.4 研究工具 47 3.5 問卷預試結果分析 59 3.6 實施程序 68 第4章 研究結果與討論 70 4.1 三組MPA學生團隊合作能力之比較分析 70 4.2 三組MPA學生問題解決能力之比較分析 75 4.3 參賽經歷對MPA學生團隊合作能力與問題解決能力的影響 78 第5章 結論與建議 92 5.1 研究結論 92 5.2 研究貢獻 97 5.3 研究限制與建議 99 參考文獻 102 附錄1 團隊合作能力量表內容效度專家評鑒結果彙整表 114 附錄2 問題解決能力測驗內容效度專家評鑒結果彙整表 120 附錄3 公共管理案例大賽參與經歷量表內容效度專家評鑒結果彙整表 130 附錄4 公共管理碩士(MPA)案例大賽參加經歷與職業能力的問卷調查(預試) 141 附錄5 公共管理碩士(MPA)案例大賽參加經歷與職業能力的問卷調查(正式) 148 附錄6 開放式引導問卷 155 附錄7 口試委員提問與答覆表 157 |
參考文獻 References |
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