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Title page for etd-0517122-151147
Inclusive Leadership and Work Engagement: The Mediating Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Job Crafting
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Inclusive Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, Job Crafting, Structural Equation Modeling, Mediation
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To face the challenge of workplace diversity, leadership plays an important role in team collaboration. Previous research indicated that leadership behaviors have a crucial impact on work engagement. Howbeit, there has been far less research on the effect of inclusive leadership. Therefore, the current study focuses on exploring the antecedent role of inclusive leadership and its predictability of work engagement. Furthermore, to understand the mechanism of the relationship, this study examines psychological empowerment and job crafting as mediators. Convenience sampling was conducted in Taiwan, and 285 participants completed the two-phase online survey. To analyze the collected data and to do hypothesis testing, structural equation modeling was performed. The result indicated the positive association that inclusive leadership had with work engagement. A full mediation of job crafting and psychological empowerment was discovered. Put simply, inclusive leadership significantly influences work engagement through job crafting and psychological empowerment. Finally, the theoretical contributions, managerial contributions, and limitations are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Validation Letter..........................................................................................i
摘 要..........................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents........................................................................................v
List of Figures...........................................................................................viii
List of Tables..............................................................................................ix
Chapter 1 Introduction...............................................................................1
1.1 Research Background...........................................................................1
1.2 Research Objective................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development....................4
2.1 Inclusive Leadership and Work Engagement.......................................4
2.2 The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment..........................9
2.3 The Mediating Role of Job Crafting.....................................................12
Chapter 3 Research Method......................................................................15
3.1 Research Framework...........................................................................15
3.2 Participants and Procedures...............................................................16
3.3 Measures..............................................................................................18
3.3.1 Inclusive Leadership (Time 1)...........................................................18
3.3.2 Psychological Empowerment (Time 1)............................................19
3.3.3 Job Crafting (Time 2)........................................................................19
3.3.4 Work Engagement (Time 2)..............................................................19
3.3.5 Control Variables...............................................................................20
3.4 Data Analysis........................................................................................20
Chapter 4 Results.......................................................................................22
4.1 Evaluation of the Measurement Model...............................................22
4.1.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis...........................................................22
4.1.2 Correlations.......................................................................................25
4.2 Hypothesis Testing...............................................................................26
4.2.1 Inclusive Leadership and Work Engagement...................................26
4.2.2 The Form of Mediation......................................................................27
4.2.3 The Mediating Role of PE and JC......................................................27
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion.......................................................30
5.1 Theoretical Implications......................................................................30
5.2 Managerial Implications......................................................................32
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research..............................33
Appendix A: Questionnaire – Part One (English)......................................45
Appendix B: Questionnaire – Part Two (English)......................................48
Appendix C: Questionnaire – Part One (Chinese)......................................51
Appendix D: Questionnaire – Part Two (Chinese)......................................54
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