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博碩士論文 etd-0520122-130431 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0520122-130431
Analyzing the quality of website design from the user's point of view–Case Study of the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) website of Southern D Refinery
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website quality, website usability evaluation tool, satisfaction, user view, website evaluation indicators
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目前的網站研究大部分針對網站品質的研究多集中於電子商務、政府網站及購物網站等大型知識型網站為主,本研究的研究標的以南部D煉油廠的人資管理系統網站為研究對象,利用了網站可用性評估工具(WEBUSE TOOL)、品質和滿意度模型開發了一個研究模型,透過網站的內容、組織、可讀性、導航、連結、使用者介面、網站效能來探討針對使用者使用網站的滿意度衡量標準。
Purpose - With more and more websites to choose from and more information available, users are willing to spend less time waiting and browsing. Users often lose their patience in just a few seconds of decision time. Therefore, providing fast and accurate information and services, as well as simple and intuitive steps to follow, has become the goal of Internet services. This study was conducted to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a human resource system website of an oil refinery in southern Taiwan through the most important website evaluation metrics, and to plan for future improvement designs.
Design/methodology/approach - We used partial least squares structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses, using a sample of 161 valid responses collected from employees within the company.
Finding - This study found that as long as the functions, content, and appearance of the website meet the users' needs, the users will have higher quality affirmation of the website, which will induce higher satisfaction level. In other words, even if the website is not very useful and some functions do not meet users' expectation, users will not be dissatisfied with the website.
Originality/value - This study developed a support framework to classify user satisfaction with websites into two aspects: website usability and website quality, and to measure usability and website quality in a quantifiable way using several factors that influence websites, including: website content, organization, readability, navigation, links, interface design, and performance. This study also combines a website evaluation tool with a website quality satisfaction model to develop a practical way to assess website satisfaction. This model shows that website satisfaction can indeed be explained and measured by the usability of the website. This model shows that website satisfaction can indeed be explained and measured by the usability of the website. The human resource management system station of the Dalin Refinery is only a case study in this study, and can be considered as a good reference framework for other website satisfaction assessment methods in the future.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
第壹章、研究背景、動機、目的 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、研究目的 3
第貳章、文獻探討 5
第一節、網站品質的歷史相關研究 5
第二節、網站品質四個方面的標準 7
第三節、政府的電子網站品質評估 8
第四節、B2C網站品質評估 9
第五節、網站可用性評估工具WEBsite USability Evaluation Tool 10
第六節、網站品質和滿意度之關聯 11
第七節 網站可用性與用戶滿意度之關聯因素 12
第參章、研究方法 13
第一節、 研究流程 13
第二節、 研究對象 14
第三節、 研究模型與假說 14
第四節、 操作型定義 17
第五節、 研究設計 18
第六節、 研究設計 19
第七節、 資料蒐集 21
第肆章、資料分析與統計 22
第一節、敘述性統計 22
第二節、衡量模型(Measurement Model) 22
第三節、假說檢定(Hypothesis Testing) 29
第四節、討論(Discussion) 31
第五章 學術貢獻與實務貢獻 34
第一節、對學術貢獻 34
第二節、對實務的貢獻 34
第陸章 結論 35
第一節、結論 35
第二節、研究限制與未來研究方向 36
參考文獻 38
附件 39

圖2-1.建議的層次結構框架 8
圖2-2.影響B2C網站品質的因素 9
圖2-3.WEBUSE(WEBsite USability Evaluation Tool)工具 10
圖2-4.網站體驗滿意度模型(來源:Brent Coker 2013) 11
圖2-5.資訊滿意度作為網站品質的中介因素對行為意圖的影響 11
圖2-6.網站可用性與滿意度之關聯 12
圖3-1研究方法 13
圖3-2.網站品質評估模型 15
圖4-1研究模型與路徑係數 29

表3-1煉油廠員工人力分析 14
表3-2研究假說 17
表3-3操作型定義 18
表3-4調查問卷的參考問項 19
表4-1樣本人口統計(N=161) 23
表4-2 Results of Harman's Single Factor Test 24
表4-3 Construct Reliability and Validity Matrix 25
表4-4 Factor Loading 26
表4-5 Cross Loadings 27
表4-6 Correlation Matrix 28
表4-7 Variables Inflation Factors 29
表4-8 Result of Hypothesis Testing 30
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