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博碩士論文 etd-0523120-131756 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0523120-131756
A Numeriacl Study on the Water Quality Impacts to Dapeng Bay due to Storm Flood Diversions
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Residence time, Unstructured grid, ICM model, SCHISM, Dapeng Bay
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Dapeng Bay is a cosmopolitan tourist area, and there are many visitors coming here for leisure. Therefore the ecosystem is a concerned issues to everyone. In order to promote the ecosystem and the quality of the recreation experience, it is important to improve water pollution in Dapeng Bay. Thus, the water circulation and water quality are affected by season variation, especially during the rainstorm, the water pollution is caused by the diversion channel. The study use 3D hydrodynamic model coupled with an ecological model (SCHISM-ICM) on unstructured grid to simulate and analysis the water quality and nutrients distribution in Dapeng Bay. In this research ,rainfall accumulation data is from Central Weather Bureau , water sampling and water analysis are entrusting by the Blue Formosa Environmental Technology Corporation.
Comparing model results with the observations, the numerical result of tide level shows accurate performance. According to the numerical result, the nutrients are trapped in the harbor and in the eastern of bay where the flow velocity is lower. However, the dilution affect is limited because the transportation ratio of seawater is low between the bay and open sea. After setting flood diversion training jetty at the Nanzhou River ,the jetty is able to guide effectively the pollution of flood diversion to open sea on rainy season; in addition, adding the second inlet, it can improve water circulation in Dapeng Bay.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定 書... i
摘要... ii
ABSTRACT ... iii
圖目錄... vi
表目錄... ix
參考文獻 References
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