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博碩士論文 etd-0524107-154002 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0524107-154002
Broadband Modified T-Equivalent Circuit Model for Microwave Passive Components
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Model Extraction Method, Broadband Modeling, Modified T-Equivalent Circuit
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This dissertation presents two kinds of model extraction approaches, direct extraction and adaptive rational approximation methods, for establishing a novel broadband model, the modified T-equivalent circuit. Both methods skillfully use the simplified and decomposed schemes to dramatically reduce the complexity of modeled parameter extraction procedures and the needed computational efforts. As a result, any two-port microwave passive components or networks can be modeled efficiently using the proposed fully-analytical mathematic extraction formulations. In comparison with other broadband modeling techniques, the modified T-equivalent circuit can be constructed with much less elements. Model with such a compact character attributes the frequency responses of two decomposed circuits having obvious resonances to be identified and utilized for constituting equivalent circuits using only necessary elements. It is worth to note that the modified T-equivalent circuit model can utilize two expandable multilayer resonators to achieve very wide bandwidth but maintain model still in a single-stage equivalent circuit. Several successful modeling examples verified on the LTCC- and organic- embedded type of band-pass filters and inductors, the most crucial passive components to affect the performances of RF communication system, demonstrate the presented model with the superior character of accuracy and broadband indeed.
目次 Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Equivalent Circuits and Model Extraction Techniques 3
1.3 Model-Based Approaches and Automatic Equivalent-Circuit Generation 7
1.4 Currently Available Modeling Tools 10
1.4.1 ADS Modeling Tool 10
1.4.2 SIDEA 12
1.4.3 IdEM 13
1.4.4 Nexxim Modeling Tool 13
1.5 Modeling Considerations 16
1.5.1 Stability 16
1.5.2 Passivity 17
2 Modified T-Equivalent Circuit 19
2.1 Microwave Network Structure 19
2.2 Model Simplification and Decomposition 23
2.3 Useful Informations for Extracting Equivalent-Circuit Parameters 25
2.3.1 Resonant Frequencies 25
2.3.2 Quality Factors 27
2.3.3 Interpolation and Extrapolation of Measured Data 27
3 LTCC Band-Pass Filter Modeling 30
3.1 Modified T-Equivalent Circuit 31
3.2 Direct Extraction Method 38
3.3 Adaptive Rational Approximation Method 43
3.4 Modeled Results and Discussion 49
4 Embedded Spiral Inductor Modeling 59
4.1 Spiral Inductor Embedded in Organic Substrate 59
4.2 Extraction of Modified T-Equivalent Circuit Parameters 61
4.3 Scalable Technique 67
4.4 Modeled Results and Discussion 67
5 Comparisons with Currently Available Modeling Tools 75
5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Modified T-Equivalent Circuit 75
5.2 Modeling Examples for Comparison 76
5.3 Some Suggestions on Extracting Modified T-Equivalent Circuit 101
6 Conclusion 102
References 104
Vita 114
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