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博碩士論文 etd-0526121-114840 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0526121-114840
醫療產業女性經理人的領導風格與成功要素之研究 —以藥商與醫療器材商為例
Research on the Leadership Style and Success Factors of Female Managers in the Health Care Industry - Take pharmaceutical and medical device company as examples
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Health Care Industry, Female Managers, Leadership Style, Success Factors, pharmaceutical, medical device
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一、 醫療產業的發展
二、 醫療產業女性領導者分析
三、 醫療產業女性領導者如何面對性別議題
四、 醫療產業女性領導者的成功關鍵因素
In the early culture of Taiwan was a patriarchal society. However, as the generation changes, there are equal opportunities for male and female to get education and job. But sometime women are still facing “Glass Ceiling Effects” on their career. Interestingly, this phenomenon is not seen in the medical industry of Taiwan.
The health care industry of Taiwan is flourishing. Due to the national medical policy transformation, it creates a lot of manager position for medical related company. Recently, the ratio of female manager of medical company is dramatically increasing. That is why we want to study the development of Taiwan health care industry and the female manager’s leadership style of health care industry, which including the key to success.
We decided to use case study method through in-depth interview. After interview four female managers of medical device company and pharmaceutical corporate. We got some conclusions as bellow:
1. The development of health care industry
In this century, because of the aging population, people's demand for medical treatment is increasing. It lead to the financial problem of National Health Insurance, and expand the market of self-pay medical treatment. For satisfied people’s request of high quality self-pay treatment, individual presision medicine dominate the research and development of medical related company. Although it was a mainstream, it increases the cost of study and manufactory. In order to lower the cost, adopt artificial intelligent and digital marketing is necessary. Besides, improving working efficiency of employee and teamwork are very important. These will be the selection criteria of leaders of health care industry.
2. The analysis of female leaders of health care industry
According to this research, female leaders often adopt “Charismatic Leadership” which focus on internal relationship when managing their employee. On the other hands, they usually use “Instrumental Leadership” which pay more attention to the mission for achieving the target. Manager will change the different leading strategy in different situation, which is called “Contingency Theory of Leadership”
3. How to deal with the gender issue?
In recent years, there are seldom gender issue be seen in health care industry of Taiwan. Even if female face the “Glass Ceiling Effects”, they will use their working performance to prove their ability and sold this gender problem.
4. Female leader’s key to success in health care industry
First, most of doctors are male, so that female sales can approach customers easily and deliver key message successfully. That is why female’s performance are often outstanding, and easily be promoted in health care industry. Second, female leader will pay more attention on the teamwork and develop people, which will touch employee’s heart. Last and most important, female leader always keep talented people and drive them outstanding. To sum up, the above are the reason why health care industry need female leaders.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機: 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 本研究架構: 4
一、 緒論 4
二、 文獻探討 4
三、 研究設計 4
四、 個案訪談內容 4
五、 結論 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 領導的定義 5
第二節 領導理論的發展 7
一、 領導特質理論研究時期 7
二、 領導行為理論研究時期 9
三、 領導權變理論研究時期 10
四、 領導風格理論之研究 11
第三節 性別理論的探討 12
一、 性別角色 12
二、 性別刻板印象 13
第四節 女性領導的相關理論 14
一、 女性領導理論 14
二、 玻璃天花板 16
第三章 研究設計 17
第一節 研究步驟與流程 17
第二節 訪談大綱-開放性問題集 19
第三節 研究對象與個案選擇 20
第四章 個案訪談內容 21
第一節 受訪者背景資料介紹 21
第二節 醫療產業的發展 22
第三節 醫療產業女性領導者分析 24
一、 對領導的定議 24
二、 領導者特質是天生或是後天學習而來 25
三、 女性領導者的領導哲學 25
四、 領導者較依賴男性特質或女性特質 27
第四節 醫療產業女性領導者如何面對性別議題 30
第五節 醫療產業女性領導者成功的關鍵因素 32
一、 女性領導者在醫療產業的優勢 32
二、 如何定義「成功」的 醫療產業領導者 33
第五章 結論與建議 35
第一節 研究發現 35
一、 醫療產業的發展 35
二、 醫療產業女性領導者分析 35
三、 醫療產業女性領導者如何面對性別議題 36
四、 醫療產業女性領導者成功的關鍵因素 36
第二節 研究貢獻 37
一、 對醫療產業的貢獻 37
二、 對管理學界的貢獻 37
第三節 研究限制 38
一、 個案選取之限制 38
二、 研究方法之限制 38
三、 資料詮釋之限制 38
第四節 後續研究之建議 39
一、 研究主題之建議 39
二、 研究架構之建議 39
三、 個案選取之建議 40
四、 資料詮釋之建議 40
參考文獻 41
一、 中文部分 41
二、 英文部分 43

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