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博碩士論文 etd-0529115-161116 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0529115-161116
Development of Power Line Carrier Communication Module and its Application on Lateral Automation
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Power Line Carrier, Power System Reliability, Ethernet Chip, Communication Converter, Lateral Automation System
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本文整合電力線載波晶片、網路晶片、信號耦合電路、濾波及信號放大電路等各單元硬體電路,研製出電力線載波通訊轉換器;此外,本文亦針對不同場域環境下進行通訊測試,以了解不同類型負載對載波訊號所造成的干擾,並測試不同環境下電力線載波之通訊效能。最後,應用電力線載波通訊技術於分歧線自動化,透過結合電腦資訊及通訊網路之遠端控制設備,建構一套完整的「分歧線自動化系統 」。當配電系統發生故障時,經由主控端透過電腦發送指令,以既有電力線載波作為其通訊媒介,藉由雙向通訊功能可將饋線上之即時資訊回傳到控制主站,即可快速定位並推導出最佳開關操作策略,以隔離故障並完成非故障停電區域之復電,大幅縮短停電時間,以驗證電力線載波通訊之實用性與價值。
As time goes by economic growth and industry upgrades, the demand for power load has increased steadily. For distribution system, it is important not only to consider about demand but also to improve reliability of electricity supply. Therefore, applied for the communication technology and automation system to support asset management of distribution system is indispensable.
This thesis develops a communication module by integration of power line carrier(PLC) chip with various hardware circuits such as signal coupling and amplifier circuits, filter and ethernet chip. Besides, the different field test of the communication is executed to verify the communication performance and to identify the interference existed on the power line. Finally, the communication module is applied for the distribution system which has to be integrated with computer information and communication network for remotely monitoring equipment. In other words, a lateral automatic distribution feeder system should establishment. Through sending the command from central station when system failure occurs, the information of feeder can also be collected and transmitted back to the control station via communication with the PLC/Ethernet communication module. That would be speed up the locating and isolating of faults, quickly restore power for non-faulty areas but with power outrage. This way, power outage time can be significantly reduced. Therefore, the communication performance of PLC can be verified in this study.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖次 x
表次 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目標與步驟 2
1.3 論文章節概要 4
第二章 智慧電網概述 5
2.1 國際智慧電網發展現況 5
2.2 智慧電網架構與應用 12
2.2.1 先進配電自動化 13
2.2.2 自動讀表基礎建設 14
2.2.3 智慧家庭電能管理系統 17
2.2.4 微電網 19
第三章 電力線載波通訊技術 21
3.1 電力線載波發展現況 21
3.2 電力線載波信號特性 22
3.3 通訊調變技術 23
3.3.1 頻率調變技術 24
3.3.2 相位調變技術 25
3.3.3 振幅調變技術 26
3.3.4 振幅相位調變技術 27
3.3.5 正交分頻多工技術 29
3.4 電力線載波國際規範 32
3.4.1 電磁輻射相關規範 32
3.4.2 頻段規範 40
第四章 整合電力線載波與網路晶片之通訊轉換器設計 41
4.1 電力線載波通訊單元 42
4.1.1 信號耦合電路 43
4.1.2 信號濾波電路 44
4.1.3 信號驅動電路 45
4.2 網路通訊單元 48
4.2.1 暫態突波抑制單元 48
4.2.2 記憶體單元 50
4.2.3 網路通訊晶片單元 54
第五章 NPLC通訊效能實測與分歧線自動化之應用 59
5.1 先進配電自動化系統場域實測分析 59
5.1.1 ADAS示範場域測試架構 59
5.1.2 ADAS示範場域量測分析 62
5.2 台電天母地區配電室實測分析 65
5.2.1 台電天母地區配電室場域測試架構 66
5.2.2 台電天母地區配電室場域量測分析 67
5.3 NPLC於分歧線自動化之應用 69
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 77
6.1 結論 77
6.2 未來研究方向 78
參考文獻 79
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