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論文名稱 Title |
以心流理論探討兒童教育產業的顧客關係經營 Discussion on customer relationship management of children's education industry based on flow theory |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
91 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-04-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-06-29 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
兒童教育、行銷4.0、心流理論、最優體驗、價值共創 Children's education, marketing 4.0, flow theory, optimal experience, value co-creation |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 275 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 275 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
教育扮演著推動社會進步的原動力,世界各國都投入許多資源在兒童教育的改革和創新上,尤其近年來世界各國產業環境丕變,大眾對於未來工作專業的認知,和未來社會需求人才的樣貌,已經出現非常多不同的想像和討論,這也讓孩子學習的內容和學習的方式百花齊放。因此產業界開始對兒童教育產業面臨的挑戰,以及後續經營轉型的議題進行研究,期望能透過一些個案的探討,找出日後可以做為經營策略參考的教材。 本研究深入探究身處在兒童教育產業中課外學習類型的A教室經營現況,發現A教室在顧客經營從獲取新客、強化舊客和維持有價值顧客三個階段上,成效不只取決於顧客感受,也相當仰賴價值溝通,許多服務流程亦無法以量化統計看待。因此本研究將透過質性研究,單一個案的方式,採用心流理論(Flow Theory)及行銷4.0(Marketing 4.0)的觀點,分析A教室的顧客,在整體的體驗流程中如何認知和感受,以及面臨的情境需求,進而提出趨動顧客最優體驗的建議方案,達成顧客經營的目標。 本研究根據對A教室的分析發現,兒童教育產業若要能永續發展,必須高度結合社會發展趨勢,切合顧客的價值主張和需求,具備價值共創和共享的基礎。而要達到價值共創的前提,A教室則要不斷在體驗流程中去塑造符合當下顧客需求的情境,提供得以促動顧客全心投入的情境,讓體驗成為一個有機的循環,互相學習的過程,共同為孩子的未來而努力,讓兒童教育產業在面臨時代變革時,能夠保有其續的發展性和競爭力。 |
Abstract |
Education acts as the driving force for social progress. Countries all over the world have invested a lot of resources in the reform and innovation of children's education. Especially in recent years, the industrial environment of various countries in the world has changed. The public's understanding of future work professions and the appearance of talents in future social needs , There have been a lot of different imaginations and discussions, which also allows children to learn content and ways of learning. Therefore, the industry has begun to conduct research on the challenges faced by the children's education industry and the issues of subsequent business transformation. It is hoped that through some case studies, we can find out teaching materials that can be used as a reference for business strategies in the future. This research delves into the children's education industry. The current situation of the operation of studio A in the type of extracurricular learning. It is found that in the three stages of customer management from acquiring new customers, strengthening old customers, and maintaining valuable customers, the effectiveness of studio A depends not only on customer feelings, but also on value communication. Many service processes Nor can it be viewed with quantitative statistics. Therefore, this research will analyze how the customers of studio A perceive and feel in the overall experience process through qualitative research, a single case method, using flow theory and marketing 4.0 viewpoints, and Faced with the situational needs, and then put forward suggestions to promote the best experience of customers, and achieve the goals of customer management. Based on the analysis of studio A, this research found that if the children's education industry is to be sustainable, it must be highly integrated with social development trends, meet the value proposition and needs of customers, and have a foundation for value co-creation and sharing. In order to achieve the premise of value co-creation, studio A must continue to shape the context in the experience process that meets the needs of the current customers, provide a context that can motivate customers to devote themselves, and make the experience an organic cycle and a process of mutual learning, work together for the future of children, so that the children's education industry can maintain its sustainable development and competitiveness when facing the changes of the times. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii 目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究結構 6 第四節 研究限制 7 第二章 文獻及策略分析工具…………………………………………………………………… 8 第一節 兒童課外學習狀況 8 第二節 行銷策略分析—STP理論及4P行銷組合 12 第三節 行銷4.0理論 16 第四節 顧客關係經營 20 第五節 心流理論 21 第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………………………………… 27 第一節 質性研究之深訪談法 27 第二節 研究設計 28 第三節 資料分析 33 第四章 研究結果………………………………………………………………………………… 34 第一節 產業現況與五力分析 34 第二節 個案公司SWOT分析 38 第三節 資料狀況分析 42 第四節 顧客體驗路徑的描繪 43 第五節 以心流理論架構顧客體驗路徑 60 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………………………………… 65 第一節 結論 65 第二節 研究貢獻 66 第三節 未來研究方向 67 附錄1 參考文獻 68 附錄2 問卷及訪談大綱 71 |
參考文獻 References |
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