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博碩士論文 etd-0530122-090953 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0530122-090953
How Job Insecurity Influences Organization-directed Citizenship Behavior: The Indirect Effects of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Identification
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job insecurity, psychological contract breach, organizational identification, organization-directed citizenship behavior, sequential indirect effects
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Previous studies have established a negative relationship between job insecurity and organization-directed citizenship behavior, little is known about the psychological mechanisms underlying this relationship. Drawing on social exchange theory, the current study proposed and examined a theoretical model wherein job insecurity influenced organization-directed citizenship behavior through psychological contract breach and organizational identification. Two-wave time-lagged data were collected from a sample of 342 full-time employees in Taiwan. The results showed that job insecurity had sequential indirect effects on organization-directed citizenship behavior through psychological contract breach and organizational identification. Implications for managerial practices and suggestions for future research are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目 錄 v
圖 次 vii
表 次 viii
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 文獻探討 4
第一節、工作不安全感 4
第二節、心理契約違背 5
第三節、組織認同 6
第四節、組織導向公民行為 8
第五節、研究變項間之關係探討 9
第參章 研究方法 14
第一節、研究架構與假設 14
第二節、研究對象與施測程序 14
第三節、研究量表 15
第四節、資料分析方法 16
第肆章 研究結果 18
第一節、驗證性因素分析 18
第二節、相關分析 19
第三節、假設檢定 20
第伍章 結論 24
第一節、理論意涵 24
第二節、管理實務意涵 26
第三節、研究限制與未來研究建議 27
參考文獻 29
參考文獻 References
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