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博碩士論文 etd-0601121-172156 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0601121-172156
Step Out of Your Echo Chamber with Instagram Stories : The Influence of Instagram Stories on the Interaction of Social Ties
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弱/強連結論、Instagram 限時動態、知覺尷尬、社會隱私顧慮、社交抑制
Weak/Strong Ties Theory, Instagram Stories, Embarrassment, Social Privacy Concern, Social Inhibition
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弱連結有助於人們獲取及流通更多元的資源,隨著網路社群近用成本降低,社群媒體成為與弱連結互動的極佳樞紐,然而,過去調查指出,大多數人依舊選擇與強連結在社群媒體進行互動,捨棄維繫弱連結社會資本的機會,而在雜揉強連結與弱連結社群特性的新興限時性社群媒體―Instagram 限時動態出現後,如何改變此一現象?過去研究鮮少針對弱/強連結在社群媒體的低度互動情況進行討論,因此,本研究將以 Instagram 為研究主體,由回覆貼文者的角度出發,探討Instagram 不同的發文模式(公開貼文及限時動態)、發文者的連結強度及回文者個人特質如何影響回文者的心理歷程?回文者的心理歷程如何影響與發文者的互動?
本研究採實驗法,實驗一以「美食」為發文主題,進行2(發文者連結強度:強連結 vs. 弱連結) x 2(發文模式:公開貼文 vs. 限時動態)組間實驗設計,確認變數間的關係,實驗二則以「室內活動」及「室外活動」為發文主題,採混合實驗設計,發文者連結強度與發文模式為組間實驗設計,發文主題為組內實驗設計,以拓展研究研究範疇。主要研究發現,發文者連結強度為弱連結 (相較於強連結)會使回文者產生較高的知覺尷尬及社會隱私顧慮;發文模式為限時動態 (相較於公開貼文)會使回文者產生較低的知覺尷尬及社會隱私顧慮;當發文者為弱連結者時,發文模式為限時動態(相較於公開貼文)會使回文者產生較低的知覺尷尬;當發文者為強連結時,不同發文模式對回文者產生的知覺尷尬無顯著差異;知覺尷尬及社會隱私顧慮會負向影響回覆意願,而回覆意願會正向影響持續互動。透過本研究結果,除了能拓展限時性社群媒體相關研究,並能作為優化社群媒體之建議,也期望在社群媒體近用成本降低的現在,人們可以善用科技,把握得來不易的弱連結社會資本及人與人互動的珍貴片刻。
Weak Ties contribute to information flow and people also can obtain diverse resources from them. With the cost of social media access declining, social media has become the terrific hub access the weak ties; nevertheless, according to the past studies, most people still interact with strong ties in the social media, instead of weak ties, which means they abandon the chance to connect with bridging social capital. However, how the emergence of Instagram Stories, an ephemeral social media integrating the characteristics of weak ties and strong ties may change the way people communicate with their social ties has not been fully explored yet. Consequently, this research explores how different Instagram posts (feed or stories), users’ social ties, and respondent’s personality may affect respondent’s psychological mechanicism and interaction.
There were two experiments executed in this study. In Experiment 1, the 2(Instagram posts: feed vs. stories) x 2(strength of ties: weak ties vs. strong ties) between-participant design was used to clarify the causal relationship and the “food topic” photo was selected as the stimulus. To broaden the research implications, this study adopted “indoor topic” and “outdoor topic” photos to conducted a mixed design in Experiment 2, which is Instagram model and author’s ties as between-participant design and photo topic as within-participant design. The main results indicate the following. First, the weak ties authors (compared to strong ties) make respondents have more embarrassments and social privacy concerns. Also, Replying Instagram Stories (compared to feed) make respondents have less embarrassment and social privacy concern. Furthermore, when responding to the weak ties authors, respondents' replies on Instagram Stories (compared to feed) make them have less embarrassment and social privacy concern; however, when responding to the weak ties authors, there are no differences between feeds and stories on embarrassment and social privacy concern. In addition, embarrassment and social privacy concern negatively affect reply intention. And reply intention positively affects continuous interaction. The findings not only expand the relative studies in ephemeral social media but also offer some implications to optimize social media.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 5
第三節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 Instagram限時動態 7
第二節 弱/強連結論 10
第三節 知覺尷尬 11
第四節 社會隱私顧慮 14
第五節 社交抑制 16
第三章 假說推論與研究方法 18
第一節 研究架構 18
第二節 假說推論 18
第三節 研究方法 26
第四節 實驗一 27
第五節 實驗二 36
第四章 資料分析 38
第一節 實驗一 38
第二節 實驗二 45
第五章 結論與建議 56
第一節 研究結果與討論 56
第二節 學術意涵 59
第三節 實務意涵 61
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 62
參考文獻 64
附錄 78
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