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論文名稱 Title |
工業廢氣防治業競合策略之研究-以F公司為例 Research on Competition and Cooperation Strategy for the Treatment of Industrial Fume -A Case Study of F Company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
77 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-04-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-07-02 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
工業煙氣處理、陶瓷纖維觸媒濾管、五力分析、價值鏈分析、賽局分析 Treatmment of Indudtrial Waste Gas, Ceramic Fiber Filter, Five Forces Analysis, Value Chain Analysis, Game Theory Analysis |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 282 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 282 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
F公司主要產品為陶瓷纖維濾管,應用於工業廢氣處理,面臨客戶地區集中度高、外在環境之限制、供應商之風險、現有競爭者及潛在競爭者之威脅及替代品之影響等。以五力、價值鏈、SWOT及賽局等分析工具以尋求較佳之競合策略。 賽局償付矩陣分析得到F公司優先策略次序為(1)降價(2)到中國大陸設廠(3)研發生產新產品(4)改善製程。優先策略與二階價值鏈因子之相關性分析,得內部應加強主要及支援活動之子項如下:(1)主要活動項:「進料後勤」之子項「尋找及測試替代品」,「生產作業」之子項「物料選用配置」及「製程改善及研發」,「行銷與銷售」之子項 「經銷商及合資商策略及管理」及「銷售與售價策略」,「研究及開發」之子項 「物料及新產品研發」及「生產設備改善及研發」。(2)支援活動項:「公司工廠場地及生產設施」之子項「作業機械化、自動化或智慧化」及「廠區發展」,「人力資源與採購及法務」之子項「物料採購(備料)時程及價格」,公司應投入較大之人力及物力加強執行,以獲取公司之進展目標。 建議之改變賽局策略包括:(1)改變參與者:對競爭者進行合併、併購或搜購股份(2)改變產品附加價值:A.降低售價B.到海外設廠以降低成本 C.研發生產新產品以提高產品價值D.改善製程以降低成本(3)改變賽局規則:研發新產品上市,制定產品規格改變賽局規則(4)改變參與者對賽局認知:A.不斷提升市佔率讓競爭者難以經營B.進行降價競爭C.對市場發布已研發出效率更佳加更省成本更具競爭性之觸媒種類及製程D.對市場發布2022年將完成自動化智慧化年產20萬支新廠,成本更低而有競爭性E.提前在中國布局結盟廢棄物處理商,舊品處理為材料回收再製以降低成本,使現有或潛在競爭者認知產業難以競爭或退出。(5)改變賽局範圍:A.研發推出新產品或產品多樣化,改變產品範圍B.及早攻佔其他如東南亞市場或到當地設廠,改變地區範圍C.規劃並建置舊陶瓷纖維濾管之回收再利用廠,亦為改變賽局之方法。 |
Abstract |
The main product of the F Company is ceramic fiber filter tubes, which are mainly used for the industrial waste gas treatment. The current business model for sales of products in Mainland China is executing in three ways: 1. Sales via the sellers in Mainland, 2. Investing a joint venture company in mainland for sale, and 3. Sales to the buyer directly via the sales man in Taiwan company. So far the problems faced by F company include: 1. High concentration of customer regions, 2. External environment restrictions, 3. Risks of suppliers, 4. Threats of existing competitors and potential competitors, 5. Impact of substitutes. Five forces analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis and game theory analysis were used to analyze and to search the better strategy for F company. This study suggested the solution strategies for F company as follows:1. General response strategy: The payoff matrix analysis of the game theory resulted in the priority of strategy consideration as (1). Price reduction for products (2). Setting up factory in Mainland China (3). Researching, developing and producing of new products (4). Process improving. 2. Internal strategy: The correlation analysis between the priority strategy obtained from the payoff matrix of the game theory analysis and the analysis of the second-order value chain factors showed that the internal main activities and support activities in the company as follows:(1) Main activity items: A. main item "Incoming Material Logistics" and its sub-item "Find and Test Alternatives", B. main item "Production Operations" and its sub-items "Material Selection and Configuration" and "Process Improvement,Research and Development", C. main item "Marketing and Sales" and its sub-items "Strategy and Management ofBusiness and Joint Ventures" and "Sales and Price Strategy", D. main item "Research and Development" and its sub-items "Material and New Product Development" and "Production Equipment Improvement, Research and Development". (2) Support activities: A. the main item "company factory site and production facilities" and its sub-item "mechanization, automation or intelligence" and "plant development", B. the main item "human resources and procurement and legal affairs" and its sub-item "material procurement (material preparation) schedule and price". Each main item and its sub-item will directly affect the company's important activities in the future market share, the company should invest more manpower and material resources to strengthen implementation, in order to achieve the company's progress goals. 3. External strategy (strategy for changing game): (1) Changing participants: merging or purchasing shares of competitors,(2) Changing the additive value of products: A. Reducing the product prices,B. Setting up overseas factories to reduce cost, C. Researching, developing and producing new products to increase product additive values,D. Improving manufacturing process to reduce costs, (3) Changing the rules of the game: developing new products to the market, formulating product specifications to change the rules of the game, (4) Changing participants' perception of the game: A. Constantly increasing market share makes it difficult for competitors to operate. B. Price-cutting competition among competitors. (5) Changing the scope of the game: A. Researching, developing and launching new products or diversify products, change the product range, B. Capturing other markets early or setting up local factories such as Southeast Asia and India markets, changing the scope of the game region, C. Planning and building a recycling plant for old or waste ceramic fiber filter tubes (white tubes) or ceramic fiber catalyst filter tubes to help customers to solve their problems and to win customer to buy the ceramic fiber filter, which is also a way to changing the game. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 目 錄 vi 圖 次 vii 表 次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 2 第二章 策略分析工具 3 第一節 五力分析 3 第二節 SWOT分析 6 第三節 價值鏈分析 8 第四節 競合策略分析 11 第三章 研究設計 13 第一節 研究架構 13 第二節 研究方法 13 第四章 個案分析 17 第一節 產業現況 17 第二節 F公司簡介 31 第三節 F公司之價值鏈分析 44 第四節 競合策略分析 47 第五章 結論與建議 63 第一節 結論 63 第二節 建議 64 參考文獻 66 |
參考文獻 References |
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