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博碩士論文 etd-0605118-231423 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0605118-231423
小型電商是否能利用雲端機器學習技術預測商品價格彈性? 以N電商為例
Price Elasticity Prediction by Cloud Machine learning technique – the Case of Tiny E-commerce Company in Taiwan
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price elasticity, e-commerce, Machine learning, SME
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5988 times, has been downloaded 292 times.
小型電商是否有能力把交易資料進行機械學習,得出經營的洞見? 小型電商要在與大型電商的競爭中存活,必須靠著比大型電商更靈活的策略或差異化來存活。就資源的角度來看,以往小型電商所擁有的資源往往不如大型電商般充足。近年來機械學習領域的快速發展,已經大幅下降了利用機械學習來改善決策品質的進入門檻,讓我們不禁疑惑這些小型電商如今是否能夠利用現有資源將經營資料進行機械學習,獲得以往只有大型電商才有能力做的資料分析和預測。

本研究試著在沒有專業級計算機硬體和不寫程式碼的狀態下,使用案例公司中實際的印表機耗材交易資料集,驗證小型電商是否也能夠利用Microsoft Azure Machine learning studio雲端計算技術搭配機械學習來預測重要資訊未來的走勢。選定價格彈性為預測標的,配合商品品牌、商品價格區間、銷售平台、季節性因素等四項因數。依照雲端分析技術的步驟: 取得資料、預處理、定義功能、選擇及套用學習演算法、評價模型、部署模型,一步一步分析出價格需求彈性的未來變化。並透過同時使用數種不同演算法來進行預測結果,最後使用最佳演算法提升決策樹迴歸分析得出未來的價格彈性預測值。利用Microsoft的POWER BI軟體做視覺化分析後,將結果建立桌上端及移動裝置的互動式視覺化儀表板。

This article is about to prove that a tiny e-commerce company can analyze online trading data and give business management valuable insight. To compete with giant e-commerce company, tiny company needs to fit fast-changing modern business world by flexible strategy and functional differentiation. In aspect to limited resource, general tiny company didn’t have enough resource to fight with their strong competitors. Since obviously progress in machine learning (ML) field recently, entry barriers of ML is not as high as before. We wonder that if tiny company can gain good quality predictive results by analyzing key managerial numbers or trading data in ML way as their richer competitors.

Thus, we design a tour of experience completely step-by-step ML procedures with real trading datasets which provided by a small hot copy (printer) consumables supplier in Taiwan. In order to simulate lack of resource situation, we won’t use high-end computers, write programming codes or demonstrate complex algorithms during whole process. In the middle of process, we will run Microsoft Azure machine learning studio cloud computing technology to help us simplify a part of ML flow and cut the time of calculating.

In this case, we choose price elasticity as predict target, analyzing the relationship with brand, price, platform and seasonal factors. Follow steps of Azure ML, from data receiving, preprocess, feature define, apply algorithm, evaluate model to develop model. In process, we also compared several algorithms simultaneously to evaluated best target prediction quality. After obtaining prediction result, we use Microsoft POWER BI to visualize result and establish inter-reactive dashboard for both desktop and mobile device.

As a result, we proved even tiny company can use cloud ML technology to build predictive model by itself without limits. By cloud computing ML method, it cuts ML cost into acceptable level for tiny company or individuals. As data collecting and Algorithm continued steadily grow into well-developed technology, next dilemma of ML will move to result explanation. In a future, industrial and humanities-related expert will play an important role in ML field.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 電商業現況發展 4
第二節 機器學習的意義、分析應用與管理意涵 9
第三節 Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio介紹 17
第四節 價格彈性 22
第五節 商業智慧BI與POWER BI軟體 22
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節 研究架構 26
第二節 資料蒐集與個案簡介 27
第三節 敘述性統計 28
第四節 分析方法 37
第四章 研究結果與討論 42
第一節 Azure ML模型建立參數 42
第二節 預測結果 45
第三節 商業智慧與視覺化分析 49
第五章 研究結論 53
第一節 研究結論與管理意涵 53
第二節 未來研究建議 54
參考文獻 55
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