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博碩士論文 etd-0605121-231819 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0605121-231819
Is the “No.1” Best? The Effect of Online Ranking and Star Rating on Consumer Perceived: The Moderating Effect of Online Review Volume
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electronic Word-of-Mouth, ranking order, star rating, online review volume, perceived quality, consumer trust, purchase intention
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Nowadays, most people in Taiwan often use internet to search the relevant evaluation information before purchasing products, and the online sales rankings have become a factor that most consumers will refer to. In recent years, the online sales rankings have gradually diversified. In addition to the rankings, information such as star ratings and number of reviews will also be added for consumers to refer to. The consistency of the information evaluation will also make consumers evaluate the products and the trust of the rankings information has an impact. However, although past studies have explored the impact of rankings, star ratings, and the number of reviews on consumers, they have not discussed the impact of the interaction between the three and the significance of the consistency of information to consumers.
This study is mainly to explore whether the consistency of the ranking order, star rating, and the number of online reviews will affect consumers’ perception of product quality and ranking information trust, and discuss products with good reviews and consistent information whether effect consumers’ purchase intentions through perceived quality and consumer trust.This study is divided into two experiments, which are 2x2 and 2x2x2 inter-group experimental designs.
The results of the study found that when the product ranked higher, consumers’ perceived quality and ranking trust of it with consistent information will be significantly higher than the product ranked lower with inconsistent information; when the information is inconsistent, the perceived quality and the rank information trust of those with higher star ratings will be significantly higher than the products with lower star ratings; after adding the number of online reviews, it is found that when the information is inconsistent, the perceived quality and ranking trust of products with higher star ratings will be significantly higher than those of the product ranked higher with lower star ratings; when the information is the consistent (ranked higher and higher star rating), when consumers perceive good product perception quality and ranking trust, it will not have an impact on purchase intentions.
Based on the results of the two experiments, this research also puts forward many practical suggestions and future research directions.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書...................................................................................................i 誌謝.............................................................................................................. ii 中文摘要..................................................................................................... iii 英文摘要......................................................................................................iv 第壹章、緒論...............................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景..........................................................................................1 第二節 研究動機..........................................................................................3 第三節 研究問題..........................................................................................6 第四節 研究目的..........................................................................................7
第貳章、文獻探討.......................................................................................8 第一節 排名(ranking)...................................................................................8 第二節 網路口碑(electronic Word-Of-Mouth) ............................................9 第三節 網路評論(online review)...............................................................10 第四節 從眾效果(conformity effect).........................................................14 第五節 基模理論(schema theory) ............................................................15 第六節 消費者信任度(consumer trust)....................................................17 第七節 知覺品質(perceived quality).........................................................21 第八節 購買意願(purchase intention) .....................................................23
第參章、假說推論.....................................................................................24 第一節 研究架構圖....................................................................................24 第二節 排名前訊息一致及不一致時與知覺品質及消費者信任度之關係.................................................................................................................24
第三節 訊息一致時,消費者感知的知覺品質與購買意願之關係........26 第四節 訊息一致時,消費者感知的消費者信任度與購買意願之關係.................................................................................................................27 第五節 訊息不一致時與知覺品質及消費者信任度之關係....................28 第六節 訊息不一致時,網路評論數量多寡的調節效果........................29
第肆章、實驗一.........................................................................................33 第一節 實驗一設計....................................................................................33 第二節 實驗一結果分析............................................................................43
第伍章、實驗二.........................................................................................56 第一節 實驗二設計....................................................................................56 第二節 實驗二結果分析............................................................................61
第陸章、結論與建議.................................................................................79 第一節 研究發現與討論............................................................................79 第二節 理論意涵........................................................................................82 第三節 實務意涵........................................................................................84 第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向............................................................86
參考文獻.....................................................................................................88 附錄.............................................................................................................97

圖 1 化妝品使用心得分享網站 UrCosme 排行榜 .....................................1 圖 2 博客來網路書店排行榜.......................................................................2 圖 3 博客來即時/暢銷書排行榜示意圖 .....................................................4 圖 4 研究架構圖.........................................................................................24 圖 5 實驗一研究架構.................................................................................33 圖 6 實驗一交互作用圖(依變數:知覺品質).............................................50 圖 7 實驗一交互作用圖(依變數:消費者信任度).....................................50 圖 8 實驗二研究架構圖.............................................................................56

表 1 不同年代之學者對從眾定義............................................................15 表 2 過去各學者對於消費者信任之應用................................................20 表 3 過去各學者對於知覺品質之定義....................................................22 表 4 前測一成對樣本統計量....................................................................34 表 5 星等評分成對樣本 t 檢定表 ............................................................34 表 6 前測二成對樣本統計量....................................................................36 表 7 前測二成對樣本 t 檢定 ....................................................................36 表 8 大於三顆星之單一樣本 t 檢定 ........................................................37 表 9 小於三顆星之單一樣本 t 檢定 ........................................................37 表 10 實驗一之操弄網路銷售排行榜示意圖..........................................40 表 11 實驗一人口統計資料表..................................................................44 表 12 實驗一變數之平均值、標準差及量表信度分析結果..................45 表 13 實驗一第一名訊息一致性操弄性檢定表......................................46 表 14 實驗一第五名訊息一致性操弄性檢定表......................................46 表 15 實驗一操弄成對樣本統計量..........................................................47 表 16 實驗一操弄成對樣本 t 檢定 ..........................................................47 表 17 實驗一之共變數分析表..................................................................48 表 18 實驗一交互作用對知覺品質影響 Mean Table..............................49 表 19 實驗一交互作用對消費者信任影響 Mean Table..........................49 表 20 實驗一排名順序前之簡單主要效果表..........................................51 表 21 實驗一中介效果分析表..................................................................51 表 22 實驗一訊息不一致之簡單主要效果表..........................................52 表 23 實驗一研究假說彙整......................................................................53 表 24 實驗二之操弄日本清酒網路銷售排行榜......................................59
表 25 實驗二人口統計資料表..................................................................62 表 26 實驗二變數之平均值、標準差及量表信度分析結果..................63 表 27 實驗二第一名訊息一致性操弄性檢定表......................................64 表 28 實驗二第五名訊息一致性操弄性檢定表......................................64 表 29 實驗二操弄成對樣本統計量..........................................................64 表 30 實驗二操弄成對樣本 t 檢定 ..........................................................65 表 31 實驗二評論數量多少卡方檢定表..................................................65 表 32 實驗二之二因子共變數分析表......................................................66 表 33 實驗二排名順序與星等評分交互作用對知覺品質影響 Mean Table...........................................................................................................67
表 34 實驗二排名順序與星等評分交互作用對消費者信任度影響 Mean Table...........................................................................................................68 表 35 實驗二排名順序前與星等評分高低之簡單主要效果表..............68 表 36 實驗二訊息不一致之簡單主要效果表..........................................69 表 37 實驗二之 Three-way ANCOVA table ...............................................70 表 38 實驗二之知覺品質 Mean table.......................................................71 表 39 實驗二之消費者信任度 Mean table...............................................72 表 40 實驗二簡單主要效果檢定表(依變數:知覺品質、消費者信任度)...............................................................................................................73 表 41 實驗二研究假說彙整......................................................................73 表 42 額外分析之二因子共變數分析表..................................................76 表 43 額外分析之排名順序與評論數量交互作用對知覺品質影響 Mean Table...........................................................................................................77 表 44 額外分析之排名順序與評論數量交互作用對消費者信任度影響 Mean Table.................................................................................................78
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