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論文名稱 Title |
創新科技應用於商標圖形檢索之研究 A Study of Applying Innovative Technologies on The Retrieve of Figurative Trademark |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
78 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-05-27 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-07-05 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
智慧財產權、商標、先申請主義、商標圖形、檢索 Intellectual property right (IPR), Trademark, First-to-File principle, Figurative mark, Search |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 290 次,被下載 43 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 290 times, has been downloaded 43 times. |
中文摘要 |
智慧財產權對於現今企業是一道很重要的課題,而智慧财產權包含有專利、商標及著作權等等,這些都是企業競爭發展過程中很重要的商業武器,如何獲得這些商業武器,均有一個很重要的動作,也是企業發展過程常會遺忘的動作---“申請”,因為世界各國之專利、商標係採“先申請主義”,此為其一注意之處,其二就是不論是專利或商標在申請前的檢索動作,此對於專利或商標案件申請後之後續核准有著決定性的影響,但鑒於專利要件判斷更有其主觀性,很容易受到於各別審查委員的心證影響而有所區別外,同時專利更是一份技術文獻與權利界定書,其判別上更有其特殊性、專業性,鑒於可規範的部份比較複雜,所以不在本研究的考慮範圍,故本研究主要針對商標申請前之圖形檢索部份加以探討與精進模式。 商標的組成不外是文字或圖形等其一單獨存在,或者為文字與圖形相互組合而成等形態,鑒於單純的文字判別上只要針對文字在資料庫中搜尋,即可快速知道有無相同之文字申請在先,因此檢索上相對容易且依現有文字比對在資料庫系統並無困難之處,因此沒有改善之急迫性,反而在商標圖形部份,卻因為商標圖形設計因素,容易呈現出非固定型態,再加上現有資料庫檢索之種種限制,不論在時間上或人力耗費上,均相當龐大,鑒於現有商標資料庫之檢索,對於欲註冊之商標圖形後續之核准判斷影響甚深,期能提出一種利用機器人流程自動化(RPA)搭配AI圖形辨識等創新科技輔助之檢索模式,再輔以核駁案件之審查要件的教示、提點,藉此綜合判斷得以改善現有商標圖形檢索模式之精準度,進而減少商標圖形申請中之不確定性。 |
Abstract |
Nowadays, the intellectual property right (IPR) is a very important issue to enterprises. The most common intellectual property right includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. These are very important business weapons in the competition among enterprises. “Filing” is of critical for getting these businesses weapons, which is, however, easily ignored during the development of the enterprises. Two points should be considered. Firstly, patent and trademark applications around the world are examined on the basis of a “First-to-File” principle. Secondly, a prior art search conducted before filing patent and trademark applications greatly affects the subsequent development of applications. However, the patentability for patent applications is determined according to subjective judgments of different examiners, which easily causes different examination results. In addition, a patent application involves technical contents and claims, and therefore the judgment inevitably requires particularities and professionalism. Because the regulation applicable to the patent examination is special and more complicated, it is not considered in the scope of this study. This study mainly focuses on the discussion about a figurative mark search prior to the filing of trademark applications and its corresponding improvement. A trademark application usually consists of word(s), figurative elements or symbols, or any combination of word(s) and figurative elements or symbols. When a trademark application is a word mark simply typed in words or letters, a prior word search can be quickly conducted in the search database to check whether there are earlier-filed word marks. In other words, it is easier to conduct a prior word mark search by comparing the stored words in the search database with words or letters typed in the trademark application. Hence, the improvement in the word search is not an emergency. In contrast, a figurative trademark application easily involves unfixed models because of various figurative, graphic or symbol designs, and the prior figurative mark search in the present search database is limited by many factors. For instance, a figurative mark search might be time-consuming or costly. Since the trademark search in the present search database is of critical in determining whether a trademark right shall be granted, it is desirable to create an innovative search model by the cooperation between the robotic process automation (RPA) and the AI pattern recognition, with the aid of teaching and advice as suggested by criteria against the applications for examinations, and the innovative search model thereby attains a synthetic judgment whereby the searching accuracy in the present search model for the figurative mark search is improved to reduce uncertainties for the filing of the figurative trademark application. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 目 錄 vi 圖 次 ix 表 次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究問題 9 一、現行商標圖形申請之比對系統 9 二、智慧財產局之商標圖形檢索系統之流程與問題 11 第四節 研究目的 13 第二章 文獻探討 14 第一節 商標及其申請審查流程 14 一、商標法規即其定義 14 二、商標分類 16 三、商標審查基準及其流程 17 四、商標相似案例 18 第二節 設計科學法 22 第三節 創新科技之運用 23 一、前言 23 二、分析 24 三、下載資料內容 27 第四節 AI人工智慧之圖形辨識 28 一、前言 28 二、卷積與池化 29 三、完全連接層 32 第三章 設計科學法 35 第一節 前言 35 第二節 設計科學法流程 35 第三節 研究方法與步驟 37 一、確認問題與動機 37 二、解決方案與目標的定義 38 三、設計與發展 39 四、展示 39 五、評估與溝通 39 第四章 系統設計與建置 40 第一節 系統架構 40 第二節 資料處理 41 一、圖樣比對因素 41 二、本研究規劃檢索系統 41 第五章 研究內容與發現 42 第一節 前言 42 第二節 訪問 42 第三節 訪問內容摘要 43 第四節 統整問卷 45 第六章 結論與建議 46 第一節 研究與結論 46 第二節 研究建議 47 第三節 研究限制 47 第四節 未來方向 48 參考文獻 49 附錄一 53 附錄二 60 附錄三 65 |
參考文獻 References |
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