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博碩士論文 etd-0612121-112952 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0612121-112952
Key Success Factors of Long-Term Operation and Marketing Strategy of Online Games
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關鍵成功因素、Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 檢驗、Bartlett 球形檢驗、線上遊戲、主成分分析、Varimax 旋轉
Key success factors, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test, Bartlett's test of sphericity, online game, principal components analysis, Varimax rotation
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 228 times, has been downloaded 102 times.

方法:設計問卷來探討長期經營和行銷策略的關鍵成功因素,並採用five-point Likert scale進行問卷回覆與蒐集。使用Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO) 檢驗和Bartlett球形檢驗進行因素分析。使用主成分分析(Principal components analysis, PCA)將調查數據簡化為可解釋最大方差的因素,利用數學旋轉來增加提取因子的可解釋性,並採用Cronbach's alpha來計算問卷的信度。

結果:KMO抽樣充分性的度量為0.865,表示樣本量足夠大,可以評估因子結構。Bartlett的球形檢驗也支持因子分析的適當性,並發現卡方結果顯著(Chi-Square = 948.262)。為了驗證有效性,採用PCA提取和Varimax旋轉對17個題項進行因子分析,有 17 個問卷項目的因子負荷高於 0.4。因素分析表明,此研究產生四個因素,即:品牌認知、內部影響、營銷和促銷策略、以及效能慣性。Cronbach's alpha檢驗總分為0.883,表示此問卷具有較高的信度。此研究結果可提供網絡遊戲的長期營運和營銷策略作為參考。
Objective: The study used the exploratory factor analysis to explore key success factors of long-term operation and marketing strategy of online games that have been in operation for many years.

Methods: The question items were built for exploring key success factors of long-term operation and marketing strategy and a five-point Likert scale was used for the respondents to answer the questionnaire. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test and Bartlett's test of sphericity were used as a measure of the data for factor analysis. Principal components analysis (PCA) was employed to reduce survey data into factors that account for maximum variance. The mathematical rotation was used to increase the interpretability of extracted factors. Cronbach's alpha was used to calculate a questionnaire’s reliability.

Results: The measure of the adequacy of KMO sampling was 0.865, indicating that the sample size was large enough to evaluate the factor structure. Bartlett's sphericity test supported the appropriateness of factor analysis and found the results to be significant (Chi-Square = 948.262). In order to verify the validity, PCA extraction and Varimax rotation were used to perform factor analysis on 17 question items. There were 17 question items that retained factor loads higher than 0.4. Factor analysis showed that the study produced four factors, namely: Brand Perception, Internal Influences, Marketing and Promotion, and Efficacy Inertial. The Cronbach’s alpha test showed that the total score was 0.883, indicating the instrument has high reliability. The findings of the study can benefit long-term operation and marketing strategy of online games.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter ……………………......………………….…..…..……… i
Acknowledgment………………………......………….…....……………..….…... ii
摘要 ..……………………………….........…………........…………….....………. iii
Abstract ..…………………………….....…..…..………….................….…..…… iv
Table of Contents …………….......……………………..…..…………..….……. vi
Table of Figures …………….......……………………..……..………..………… vii
Table of Tables ………………......……………………..…..………..…………. viii
1. Introduction ……………….....…………………..…..………..…..….……... 1
2. Literature Review ......……………………………..…..……..……….…..…. 3
3. Methods .…………………………………………..…..……..……….….…. 10
4. Results ..…………………………………………….……………………..… 19
5. Conclusions …..…………………………………….……………………….. 36
References ………...……………………………………….…..………..……..… 37
Appendix …………......…………….………………………..….…………...…... 40
參考文獻 References
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