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Title page for etd-0615122-152644
Investigate the moderating effects of reviewer expertise and review features on the helpfulness of extreme reviews: A revisit of the Tobit model
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Online Consumer Reviews, Extreme Reviews, Cognitive of review helpfulness, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Mental Models, Social Influence, Tobit Regression
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現今消費者越來越倚賴透過線上消費者評論(OCRs)做出購買決策。因此現今有許多電子商務平台都允許消費者對每則評論進行有用性投票,可以使消費者在龐大的評論中找到大家最認可的評論,過去研究也指出其實具有評分極端性的評論是比中等評論更有用。因此本研究的目的是探討評分極端性對評論認知有用性的關係,以及這個關係會如何被評論特徵與評論者專業影響,評論特徵是在評論中使用人稱代名詞的比率以及評論順序進行探討,而評論者專業則是使用評論者在TripAdvisor 上累計評論數與有用評論數。
本研究透過爬蟲抓取在TripAdvisor 上55 間5 星級飯店共17600 則評論。研究結果顯示,與過去研究相同具有評分極端性的評論比中等評論有用並且在評論順序的調節作用中,具有評分極端性的評論越後期出現會比較沒有用,另外在累計評論數的調節作用中,評論者的累計評論數越高具有評分極端性的評論會被認為更有用。最後依據研究結果提出理論與實務上的建議,期望能夠給予電子商務平台實務上的建議。
Today's consumers increasingly rely on Online Consumer Reviews (OCRs) to
make purchasing decisions. Therefore, many e-commerce platforms today allow
consumers to vote on the usefulness of each review, allowing consumers to find the
most recognized reviews among the huge reviews. Past research have also pointed out
that reviews with extreme ratings are more useful than moderate reviews. Therefore, the
purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between extreme rating and the
cognitive of review helpfulness, and how this relationship is affected by reviewer
expertise and review features. Review features are the ratio of use of personal pronouns
in review and the order of review. The reviewer feature are the cumulative number of
reviews and useful reviews by reviewers on TripAdvisor.
This research crawls a total of 17,600 reviews of 55 5-star hotels on TripAdvisor in
Taiwan. The results shows that reviews with extreme ratings are more useful than
moderate reviews same as previous research; and in the moderating effect of review
order, reviews with extreme ratings appearing later are less useful; and in the
moderating effect of the cumulative number of reviews. The higher cumulative number
of reviews by reviewers, the more extreme reviews will be considered more useful.
Finally, the theoretical and practical suggestions are put forward according to the
research results, and it is expected to give practical suggestions to the e-commerce
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題及目的 4
2 第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 評論認知有用性 6
2.2 評分極端性與評論認知有用性之間的關係 7
2.3 推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM) 8
2.4 心智模型(Mental Models) 10
2.5 社會影響(Social Influence) 12
3 第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 研究架構 14
3.2 研究假說 15
3.3 研究流程設計 18
4 第四章 資料分析 29
4.1 樣本基本資料分析 29
4.2 模型分析結果 32
5 第五章 結論與建議 37
5.1 研究結果與討論 37
5.2 理論及實務意涵 38
5.3 研究限制與未來建議 40
參考文獻 42
附錄一 透過ngram找出自訂義字詞 48
附錄二 本研究飯店樣本名單與評論筆數 50
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