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論文名稱 Title |
中華職棒球隊品牌經營之研究 Research on Brand Management in Chinese Professional Baseball League’s Teams |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
74 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-06-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-07-17 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
體驗矩陣、體驗行銷、中華職棒、關鍵時刻、主場經營 experience marketing, CPBL, the power of moments |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 353 次,被下載 5 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 353 times, has been downloaded 5 times. |
中文摘要 |
近年中華職棒的入場觀眾呈現停滯的狀態,而 Lamigo 桃猿對長期以來的主 場經營,使得球隊擁有一批死忠球迷,因此透過分析桃猿隊的行銷策略,希望可 以成為其他隊伍參考的依據。 舉辦主題日活動的時間是很重要的選擇,所有的主題日活動都會辦在禮拜 六、日,但是透過數據了解如果將活動辦在禮拜五與禮拜六,效果應該會更好。 再者,隊站組合也是影響球迷願不願意進場看球的關鍵,具備高人氣的中信兄弟 與 Lamigo 桃猿,兩隊的交手是票房保證;但如果是與統一 7-ELEVEn 獅隊交 手,觀眾就會大幅下降,推測這與統一獅隊近年的戰績有關。 而桃猿隊的主題日活動非常多元,滿足不同喜好的球迷。而桃猿隊經常與各 式各樣的品牌合作,不管是推出限量商品,或是安排特別活動,甚至經常大方送 禮物,不僅替合作的品牌達到行銷的效果,也獲得球迷的肯定。能有現在的光 景,與桃猿隊深耕陶園主場有關,不惜花費鉅額修整球場,加場強硬體設施,使 球迷可以獲得最佳的觀賽體驗,且這也讓活動在安排時,可以有更彈性的設計。 除了棒球迷會進場,現在桃猿隊的球迷基礎,還多了「Lamigirls 的粉絲」, 將啦啦隊偶像化,札實的訓練,並參與綜藝節目、代言產品等,讓啦啦隊的人氣 直線上升。更直接的幫助在於球賽許多時候是很枯燥的,因此有 Lamigirls的表演,讓球迷在觀賽過程中還有其他選擇,而不是只能等待。 最後球隊要吸引球迷進場,除了行銷的幫助,本身的戰績實力也很重要,因 為沒有球迷想看到支持的球隊一直輸球。因此球隊中的主力球員,就得扛起此番 責任,只要表現好就容易受到球迷的關注,進而成為「球星」,這不只代表球員個人,更代表球隊。而一位好的球星,除了要有實力外,場外與球迷的互動也是 塑造形象的絕佳機會,因此球隊應該在許多活動時安排球星與球迷交流,創造多贏的局面。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, the audience of the Chinese professional baseball has been stagnant, and the long-term home operation of Lamigo Monkeys has made the team have a group of loyal fans. Therefore, by analyzing the marketing strategy of the Peach Ape team, I hope that it can be used as a reference for other teams. . The time of holding theme events is an important choice. All theme events will be held on Saturdays and Sundays. However, through the data, we know that if the activities are held on Fridays and Saturdays, the effect will be better. Moreover, the match combination is also the key to affect the fans' willingness to enter the arena to watch the ball. With high popularity, CTBC Brothers and Lamigo Monkeys, always have a large audience when the two teams play each other; but if they play with the Uni- President Lions, the audience will drop significantly, which is speculated to be related to the achievements of the unified lions in recent years. The theme evevts of Lamigo Monkeys are very diverse. And the team satisfying fans with different preferences. The Lamigo Monkeys often collaborate with various brands, whether it’s launching limited-edition products, arranging special events, or even generously giving gifts, not only to achieve the marketing effect for the cooperating brands, but also to win the recognition of fans. The reason for the current situation is that taoape team seriously manages the stadium in Taoyuan, spends a lot of money to repair the stadium, and adds hardware facilities, so that fans can get the best experience of watching the game, and this also makes the event more flexible in the arrangement. Today's fans have more "Lamigirls' fans", idolizing cheerleaders, through solid training, and participating in variety shows, endorsement products, etc., so that the popularity of cheerleading has risen. The more direct help is that the ball game is often boring, so there are Lamigirls performances, so that fans have other choices during the game, rather than waiting. In the end, to attract fans to the field, not only do you need marketing help, but your own record strength is also important, because no fan wants to see the supporting team lose all the time. Therefore, the main players in the team have to bear this responsibility. As long as they perform well, they will be easily concerned by the fans and become "stars". The star not only represents the individual players, but also represents the team. A good star, in addition to having strength, the off-site interaction with fans is also a great opportunity to shape the image, so the team should arrange the stars to communicate with the fans during many activities to create a win-win situation. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書....................................................................................................................i 摘要...............................................................................................................................ii Abstract........................................................................................................................iii 第一章 緒論....................................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機............................................................................................. 1 第二節 研究目的......................................................................................................... 3 第三節 研究架構......................................................................................................... 4 第二章 產業現況............................................................................................................5 第一節 聯盟沿革......................................................................................................... 5 第二節 市場規模......................................................................................................... 8 第三章 文獻探討...........................................................................................................11 第一節 到場率(ATTENDANCE)..............................................................................11 第二節 球隊品牌....................................................................................................... 13 第三節 體驗行銷....................................................................................................... 15 第四節 關鍵時刻....................................................................................................... 22 第四章 研究設計..........................................................................................................24 第一節 研究架構....................................................................................................... 24 第二節 研究方法....................................................................................................... 25 第五章 研究結果..........................................................................................................26 第一節 分析結果....................................................................................................... 26 第二節 建議............................................................................................................... 50 第六章 結論..................................................................................................................61 參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 63 |
參考文獻 References |
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