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Title page for etd-0617122-180726
Supervisor Incivility and Employee Job and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Needs
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supervisor incivility, autonomy frustration, belongingness frustration, competence frustration, job satisfaction, life satisfaction
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In the workplace environment, supervisors have a critical influence on employees. Through daily communication, coaching, or collaboration, the way a supervisor expresses influences how an employee feels. Previous studies have demonstrated a negative association between supervisor incivility and employee satisfaction in job and life. However, relatively little is known about how and when supervisor incivility leads to negative of satisfaction in job and life. Based on self-determination theory, the study compares the mediating role of 3 kinds of basic needs frustration between supervisor incivility and employee satisfaction of job and life. This study took Taiwan full-time employees as the research object, conducted a single-stage questionnaire survey, and collected a total of 365 valid data. The results suggest that supervisor incivility can lead to frustrations with employees' needs for autonomy and belongingness. In addition, supervisor incivility indirectly affects job satisfaction and life satisfaction through frustration with autonomy needs. Finally, this study discusses the implications of the findings for management practice and suggests directions for future research.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 文獻探討 4
第一節、 主管無禮對待 4
第二節、 工作滿意度 5
第三節、 生活滿意度 7
第四節、 自我決定論 8
第五節、 各變項間之關係探討 12
第參章 研究方法 16
第一節、 研究架構 16
第二節、 研究樣本與施測程序 17
第三節、 研究工具 17
第四節、 資料分析方法 18
第肆章 研究結果 20
第一節、 驗證性因素分析 20
第二節、 相關分析 22
第三節、 假設檢定 23
第伍章 結論 28
第一節、 理論意涵 28
第二節、 管理實務意涵 30
第三節、 研究限制與未來建議 31
參考文獻 34

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