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論文名稱 Title |
物流產業數位化服務策略之研究 Research on Digital Service Strategics in Logistics Industry |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
54 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-05-10 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-07-18 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
數位化物流服務、五力分析、SWOT矩陣強弱危機分析、專業物流、高效物流、智慧物流 Digital Logistics Service, Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Matrix Strength and Weakness Crisis Analysis, Professional Logistics, High-efficiency Logistics, Intelligent Logistic |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 283 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 283 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
國際貿易對全球經濟發展影響甚巨,流通業又和國際貿易的發展息息相關,流通業泛指商流、金流、物流、資訊流等,經由人才流的串聯,讓商品經由國際貿易的進行,讓商品進行流轉,可以說所有貿易關係都與流通業息息相關。而隨著時代的演進,流通業需要升級服務,成就健全的商業發展,業者需要建立商業優勢,如今的廠商希望能隨時隨地掌握最新的物流資訊,這也慢慢變成全球貿易的新常態,伴隨著網路以及人工智慧的發展,物流業也進入了數位的思維,其物流服務數位化的發展,包含整個供應鏈裡的倉儲與物流自動化,與資訊數位化的資訊與服務的整合,來提高供應鏈的能見度與敏捷性。 本研究之設計,主要以本研究生任職的公司為研究的個案,藉由物流產業數位化服務相關文獻及實務上的個案及相關資料,透過五力分析及SWOT 矩陣強弱危機分析,分析演繹個案在物流服務數位化的發展過程,如何改變傳統的物流服務,並提升了物流產業的動能,其中包含探討物流服務及倉儲服務現今的需求及未來的發展,特別是如何在物流服務中提供正確到位的資訊,以及全天候且全年無休(24/7)不斷鏈服務的趨勢,進一步探討其競爭優勢。 在疫情的推波助瀾下,企業需要更到位的供應鏈,來應付瞬息萬變的供應鏈需求,達到供需平衡,且客戶也需要更有效率與更透明的服務,這更是成為推升數位化物流服務發展的動力,在科技化與數位化的服務需求下,物流效率的提升與物流數位化的服務也越來越趨於成熟,也讓貨物的能見度更透明,便於客戶掌握貨物的流向,掌握生產與降低庫存,提高其供應鏈的敏捷度,進而降低成本,讓企業更有競爭力。 |
Abstract |
International trade has a huge impact on global economic development, and the circulation industry is closely related to the development of international trade. The circulation industry generally refers to business flow, cash flow, logistics, information flow, etc. To allow the circulation of goods, it can be said that all trade relations are closely related to the circulation industry. With the evolution of the times, the circulation industry needs to upgrade services to achieve sound business development, and industry players need to establish business advantages. Nowadays, customers hope to control the latest logistics information anytime, anywhere, and this has gradually become the new normal service and needs of global trade. With the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence, the logistics industry has also entered the digital thinking. The digital development of its logistics services, including the warehousing and logistics automation in the entire supply chain, and the integration of digital information and services to improve the supply chain visibility and agility. The design of this research is mainly based on the case study of the company where the graduate student works. Through the five forces analysis and SWOT matrix strength and weakness crisis analysis, through the literature and practical cases and related data of logistics industry digital services, the analysis and interpretation of the case in the development process of the digitalization of logistics services, to change the traditional logistics services and enhance the kinetic energy of the logistics industry, including discussing the current needs and future development of logistics services and warehousing services, especially to provide correct and integrated logistics services and information, the trend to provide 24/7 service, to further explore its competitive advantage. With the situation of the epidemic, enterprises need a more in-place supply chain to meet the ever-changing supply chain needs and achieve a balance between supply and demand, and customers also need more efficient and transparent services, which has become a driving force for the development of digital logistics services. Under the demand of technology and digitalization of services, the improvement of logistics efficiency and the digitalization of logistics services are becoming more and more mature, which makes the visibility of goods more transparent, and is convenient for customers to control the flow of shipments, increase productive and reduce inventory, and increase the agility of its supply chain, which in turn reduces costs and makes businesses more competitive. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究設計 6 第四節 研究範圍 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 貨物安排流程介紹 9 第二節 五力分析 12 第三節 SWOT矩陣強弱危機分析 15 第四節 物流產業數位化服務相關文獻 18 第三章 研究方法 22 第一節 研究方法 22 第二節 研究架構 24 第三節 研究個案之選擇 25 第四章 個案分析 27 第一節 物流產業介紹 27 第二節 個案公司簡介 30 第三節 物流產業五力分析 31 第四節 個案公司數位化服務介紹 33 第五節 個案公司SWOT分析 38 第五章 結論與建議 43 第一節 研究結論 43 第二節 研究限制與建議 44 參考文獻 45 |
參考文獻 References |
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