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博碩士論文 etd-0619121-171428 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0619121-171428
Monetary Endogenous Growth and Money Growth Rate Targeting:An Analysis of Endogenous Capital Utilization
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Endogenous Growth, Pecuniary Transaction Costs, Capital Utilization, Economic Growth Rate, Money Growth Rate Targeting
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本文修改 Lai and Chin(2013)模型,考慮貨幣降低交易成本的功能,以及廠商可以選擇使用部分或全部機器設備投入生產的設定,建構貨幣內生成長模型。我們將在兩種資本使用率的情況下進行討論。本文透過模型分析政府實施提高貨幣供給成長率政策對於經濟成長率的影響,並說明政策有效性。
Based on Lai and Chin (2013), this thesis builds up a monetary endogenous growth model in which money serves as a mechanism to reduce transaction costs, and then uses it to examine the impact of money growth rate targeting on the economy’s balanced growth rate. Compared with the existing literature, the salient feature of the thesis model is that it allows for the endogenous determination of the capital utilization rate.
Two main findings emerge from the analysis. First, regardless of whether the physical capital is fully or partially utilized by the producer, an increase in the money growth rate definitely lowers the balanced growth rate. Second, in response to a rise in the money growth rate, the lowered balanced growth rate under partial capital utilization is greater than that under full capital utilization.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論.....1
第一節 研究動機及目的.....1
第二節 文獻回顧.....3
第三節 本文架構.....6
第二章 理論模型.....7
第一節 代表性個人.....7
第二節 政府.....13
第三節 建立總體模型.....14
第三章 廠商可選擇使用部分資本.....16
第一節 總體模型分析.....16
第二節 動態均衡分析.....17
第三節 貨幣政策效果分析.....26
第四章 廠商選擇使用全部資本.....29
第一節 總體模型分析.....29
第二節 動態均衡分析.....30
第三節 貨幣政策效果分析.....36
第五章 結論.....39
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