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博碩士論文 etd-0619122-225255 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0619122-225255
The influence of Lotto’s accumulated prize on the stock market –Evidence from Taiwan
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Jackpot, Lottery-like Stock, Trading Volume, Individual Investor, Trading Behavior
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本研究假設彩券頭獎金額會影響個人投資者的股票交易量,也就是說,樂透彩的頭獎累積金額越大,個人投資者越可能將手中資金由股市投入樂透彩券。為了證實這個假設是否成立,本研究對於臺灣大型樂透彩券—大樂透,以及臺灣股市個人投資者的交易量進行研究,研究樣本係根據2017年1月到2021年12月在臺灣大型彩券—大樂透,以及在臺灣股票市場上所獲得的數據。我們的實證結果,有充分的證據指出,大樂透的頭獎累積獎金,會對個人投資者青睞的股票交易量產生負面影響。尤其,在頭獎超過4億新台幣的頭獎開獎日附近,個人投資者在股票的交易量上減少了4.8%至 12.1%。同一期間,在樂透型股票交易量也存在同樣現象,其交易量大約下降7.2%至9.2%。這樣的數據指出,替代效果在個人投資者的交易行為中是很常見的現象,特別是樂透股。另外,我們還發現,具有高偏度特徵的樂透股,其替代效果是最穩健的。另外一項有趣的發現是,當我們採用不同的數字來定義頭獎時,頭獎獎金金額與交易量存在著負向的影響關係。在樂透股的交易量裡面,可以提供我們相對應的證據,證明個人投資者交易的股票,在頭獎開獎日附近,交易量平均會下跌6.3%。
This study assumes that the jackpot accumulated prize will affect the stock trading volume of individual investors. In other words, the larger the cumulative jackpot amount of the lottery, the more likely the individual traders will transfer their money from the stock market to the lottery tickets. This paper investigate the relationship between the trading volume of individual investors in Taiwan's large lottery ticket market and the Big Lotto based on the Taiwan stock market from January 2011 to December 2017. The evidence shows that the jackpot accumulated prize drawn for the biggest number, 400 million NT dollars, the trading volume is drop by 4.8% to 12.1%. During the same period, the same phenomenon exists in the lottery-like stock. Our results indicate that lottery-like stocks' trading volume is drop from 7.2% to 9.2%. Meanwhile, this paper demonstrate the substitution effect, a very common phenomenon in the trading behavior of individual investors, especially in lottery-like stocks. In addition, this paper find that the stocks with high skewness characteristics have the most robust substitution effect among lottery-like stocks. When this paper use different number-defined jackpots, there is still a negative impact on the winning prize and trading volume. In the trading volume of lottery-like stocks, this paper can provide our corresponding evidence to show that the stocks traded by individual investors decreased by an average of 6.3% around the jackpot drawn day.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 論文架構 4
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 遊戲介紹 5
第二節 樂透相關研究 7
第三節 交易量與報酬關係 8
第參章 研究假設及設計 11
第一節 樣本選取與資料來源 11
第二節 資料敘述 12
第三節 研究方法與假說 13
第肆章 實證結果分析 22
第一節 多元迴歸檢定 22
第二節 樂透股報酬的實證結果 29
第伍章 結論 39
參考文獻 40
一、中文文獻 40
二、英文文獻 41
三、其他資料 43

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