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博碩士論文 etd-0620122-112743 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0620122-112743
Exploring the Antecedents of Upgrading to Fiber-To-The-Home Services Based on the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework
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PPM, FTTH, Obsolescence, Perceived Value, Social Influence, Status Quo Bias, Intention To Upgrade
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ITU於2015年11月發表VDSL2 Vplus技術雖可供裝下載300/上傳100Mbps,但礙於金屬傳導受干擾、氧化及衰減等問題,需滿足供裝距離100公尺內嚴苛的條件,因此想要讓全台家庭普及300/100Mbps以上速率,仍需仰賴光纖。光纖擁有高頻寬、低延遲、距離遠、抗干擾、耐熱、耐腐蝕等特性,作為傳輸媒介是相當適合,近年隨著材料科技的進步,使材料成本下降,而光在光纖傳遞中的衰減已大幅改善,使得光訊號能傳遞數十公里遠,電信商更能將光纖佈放到用戶家,實現FTTH光纖到府的理想願景。固網是電信業者仍是營收主要來源之一,為鞏固客戶避免流失,其電信業者正積極佈放光纖達全台90%光纖涵蓋率,本篇研究以PPM理論作為的框架,探討用戶升級FTTH光纖到府的意願,調查與驗證哪因素是現有xDSL寬頻上網的缺點而使用戶萌生離開的動機,而有哪些因素是FTTH光纖到府的優點可作為行銷策略重點來提升用戶升級意願,又有哪些用戶因社會環境因素或自身因素,使用戶在升級前會再三考慮。
Benefiting from the telecommunications infrastructure constructed during the era of Japanese colonialism, ASDL prospered in the 1990s, allowing every family access to applying for the Internet. In 2013, the digital convergence policy made it possible for every household in Taiwan to be equipped with a 100M broadband network at home, which in turn ushered in ultra-high speed Network VDS. It added diversity to the service application level, promoting variations in the industry chain, such as online TVs and movies, video conferencing and conference calling, home security monitoring, and emerging professionals like YouTubers, online live broadcasters, etc.
ITU announced in November 2015 that VDSL2 Vplus technology could be installed and downloaded at 300 Mbps/uploaded at 100 Mbps, but were restricted to problems of interference, oxidation and attenuation linked with metal conductivity, in addition to having to meet the harsh condition that it should be within 100 meters of supply and installation. Therefore, in order to have all the households in Taiwan obtain access to 300/100Mbps, optical fibers are very much needed. Optical fiber exhibits the characteristics of broad bandwidth, low delay, long distance, anti-interference, heat resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. It is quite suitable as a transmission medium. In recent years, with the advance of material technology, the cost of materials has been lowered and the attenuation of light in optical fiber transmission has been greatly reduced. Such improvement enables optical signals to travel tens of kilometers in transmission. Telecom operators can even deploy optical fibers to users' homes, fulfilling the vision of FTTH fiber-to-the-home. The fixed network is still one of the main sources of revenue for telecom operators. To consolidate the customer group lest they turn away, the telecom operators are actively deploying optical fibers with a view to reaching a 90% optical fiber coverage rate in Taiwan. This study uses the PPM theory as the framework to discuss users’ willingness to upgrade FTTH fiber in their homes. It tries to investigate and verify which factor appears to be the defect of the existing xDSL broadband Internet that keeps the users away. It also explores what advantages of FTTH fiber-to-the-home are so that it can be adopted in the marketing strategies to elevate users' willingness to upgrade. In addition, it tries to find out which group of users will keep thinking twice before deciding on upgrading because of social environmental factors or their own problems.
The study adopts an online quantitative survey method and has collected 346 valid questionnaires. The model analysis results show that the thrust effect (Perceived Obsolescence) exerts no significant impact on the users’ willingness to upgrade FTTH, while the pull effect wields a positive and significant impact on the users’ willingness to upgrade FTTH. The anchoring effect (status quo bias) has a distinctively negative impact on users’ retaining the xDSL broadband Internet.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究內容與流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 固網電信概述 7
第二節 推、拉、繫住力理論 12
一、遷徙 13
二、「推力」效果 13
三、 「拉力」效果 17
四、 「繫住力」效果 19
第三節 升級意願 22
第三章 研究方法與設計 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 研究假說 25
一、推力效果(感知過時) 25
二、拉力效果(知覺價值、社會影響力) 26
三、繫住力效果(現況偏差) 28
第三節 操作型定義 30
第四節 研究設計 32
一、研究對象 32
二、問卷設計 32
三、資料蒐集 37
第四章 資料分析 38
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 38
第二節、衡量模型 40
一、信度分析(Reliability) 40
二、 收斂效度(Convergent Validity) 41
三、 區別效度分析(Discriminant Validity) 43
四、共線性診斷(Multicollinearity) 45
五、共同方法偏誤(Common Method Bias) 46
第三節 模型及假說驗證 47
第五章 結論與建議 50
第一節 研究結果與建議 50
一、推力效果(感知過時)對升級意願之影響 50
二、拉力效果(知覺價值)對升級意願之影響 50
三、拉力效果(社會影響力)對升級意願之影響 51
四、繫住力效果(現狀偏差)對升級意願之影響 51
第二節 理論及實務意涵 52
一、研究「理論面」 52
二、研究「實務面」 52
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 53
一、研究限制 53
二、未來研究方向 54
參考文獻 55
附錄 本研究調查問卷 61

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