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博碩士論文 etd-0622110-200816 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622110-200816
Study on Perceived Risk of Luxury-bag Consumption Patterns
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consumer behavior, luxury brands, perceived risk
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The motivations underlying consumers’ purchase of luxury brands are valued in the industry and in the research field. On the other hand, consumers not only could buy luxury brands from luxury brands’ store, but could buy them from second-hand store or just rent them. They even could buy counterfeit luxury brands which almost have the same performance with luxury brands. There are also many extant literatures about these consumers’ behavior. But it still lacks the discussion about the differences between consumers who have different consumption behaviors. The motivation of this research is to fill up this research gap and to discuss the differences between consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands. Perceived risk theory is adopted in this research.
The purpose of this research is to explore the differences in performance risk, financial risk, psychological risk, social risk and time risk between consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands. This research is verified through the survey study. Collectively, the results support that: the consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands have different combinations of perceived risk.
目次 Table of Contents
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景與目的 1
二、研究流程與結果 2
貳、文獻探討 4
一、知覺風險 4
二、消費模式發展與探討 11
三、研究假說推論 19
参、研究方法 22
一、研究對象 22
二、資料收集的方法與形式 22
三、問卷設計 22
四、問卷發放與回收 24
肆、資料分析 28
一、衡量量表 28
二、假說驗證 30
伍、結論與建議 46
一、結果討論 46
二、管理意涵 48
三、研究限制及未來建議 49
參考文獻 51
附錄一、研究問卷 58
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