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博碩士論文 etd-0622115-143209 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622115-143209
國際團隊成員之個性、文化智商與海外適應關係研究 – 以2014年ACT學程為例
Relationships among Personality, Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adjustment in Cross-Cultural Team – Case of the 2014 ACT Program
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Globalization, Intercultural Team, Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Cultural Intelligence, Personality Traits
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5820 times, has been downloaded 39 times.
1) 成員在自評個人文化智商時,歐美群組對認知面較沒自信,而華人學生在動機與行為層面自評較低。
2) 溝通問題及不同工作風格是跨文化團隊中最常遇到的兩大挑戰。
3) 過去的國際經驗對未來個人在跨文化團隊中表現有正面影響。
4) 相處一段時間後,相處成員間擁有相似的興趣與價值觀比起是否來自同一文化背景顯得更為重要。
5) 國家之個人主義程度影響個人是否常與自己熟悉之文化群組團體行動。
6) U型曲線理論:派外的第3-4個月是從蜜月期到文化衝擊的轉折點。
7) Hofstede個人主義和權力距離:相較於奧地利及加拿大人,台灣人溝通表達方式較間接,且社會更重視等級制度。
8) 旅外時間較長時,飲食課題更顯得重要。
9) 經跨文化環境訓練洗禮後,人們往往有更廣闊的視野和更開放的態度。
10) 人格特質影響文化智商:S型的人通常有較低的動機和行為文化智商。
11) 人格特質對跨文化適應有重要影響。
12) 動機智商對工作適應有重要影響。
With the trend of globalization, working abroad or in cross-cultural teams has become more and more common. This research tries to discuss the relationships of one’s personality and cultural intelligence, and their impact on adjustment, aiming to find the key to effective cross-cultural adjustment.
Applying the year 2014 ACT Program as the case example, this research conducted in-depth interviews with 12 out of 32 students. There are 12 findings after analyzing the collected data:
1) When evaluating their own CQ, Europeans and North Americans are not confident in their cognitive CQ, while Taiwanese/ Chinese students have lower scores on motivational & behavioral CQs.
2) Communication and different working styles are the two greatest challenges in cross-cultural teams.
3) Past international experiences do affect one’s performance in his or her future cross-cultural team.
4) After spending some time together, similar interests and values become more important than whether the people are from the same culture for them to naturally get along.
5) Degree of Individualism in the country affects one’s tendency of staying within his own cultural group.
6) The U-Curve theory: the third to fourth month abroad is the turning point from the honeymoon stage to the culture shock stage for expatriates.
7) Hofstede’s Individualism and power distance: Compared to Austrians and Canadians, Taiwanese are far more indirect and value hierarchy within a society.
8) Food is an important issue when you have to live abroad for a long period of time.
9) After the immersion of cross-cultural practices, people tend to have a broader view and become more open-minded.
10) Personality could affect one’s CQ: S type people tend to have lower motivational and behavioral CQ.
11) Personality has an important influence on cross-cultural adjustment.
12) Motivational CQ has an important impact on work adjustment.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
Acknowledgement ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objective 2
1.3 Research Procedure 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Personality Traits 4
2.1.1 Definitions 4
2.1.2 Conceptual Models 4
2.2 Cultural Intelligence 9
2.2.1 Culture 9
2.2.2 Cultural Distance 10
2.2.3 Cultural Intelligence 12
2.3 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 16
2.3.1 Definitions 16
2.3.2 Conceptual Models 16
2.4 Correlation among Each Item 18
2.4.1 Personality Traits and Cultural Intelligence 18
2.4.2 Personality Traits and Cross-Cultural Adjustment 18
2.4.3 Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adjustment 19
Chapter 3 Research Method 20
3.1 Qualitative Case Study 20
3.2 Research Framework 21
3.3 Research Tools 22
3.3.1 Personality 22
3.3.2 Cultural Intelligence 23
3.3.3 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 24
3.4 Participants 25
3.5 Data Collection 28
3.5.1 Mini-Questionnaire 28
3.5.2 Individual Interview 28
3.5.3 DISC Report 28
Chapter 4 Data Analysis & Findings 30
4.1 Personality 30
4.2 Cultural Intelligence 33
4.3 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 35
4.3.1 Work/ Study Adjustment 35
4.3.2 Interaction Adjustment 42
4.3.3 General Adjustment 46
4.4 Personality and Cultural Intelligence 52
4.5 Personality and Cross-Cultural Adjustment 54
4.6 Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adjustment 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion 62
5.1 Practical Implications 62
5.2 Research Limitations 64
5.3 Future Research 65
References 66
Appendix 70
DISC Report& CQ Scale 70
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