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博碩士論文 etd-0624122-162954 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0624122-162954
An impact on E-commerce retailer pricing by community platform using sentiment analysis-taking laptop for instance
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E-commerce, sensitivity analyst, machine learning, nature language processing, fixed effect model
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With the rapid development of this generation, 3C electronic products are different from the past, with a wide variety and can meet various usage scenarios, which in turn affects consumers' demand for notebook computers. Consumers will refer to the specifications of the notebook computer as the basis for purchasing.

This research will use a total of 28,393ebook computer transaction records from a well-known domestic e-commerce company from 2019/6/13 to 2020/2/28 as the data source. Besides, the price of major virtual currencies from 2019/5/31 to 2020/2/14 is put into the model as a variable, and the hashrate data of the GPU is added to additionally check whether the hashrate will affect the price of the notebook. Finally, the consumer sentiment indicators of social media such as PTT and Dcard are crawled to study. To examine whether consumer sentiment towards terms such as graphics cards and laptops affects laptop prices.

The research results show that after the emotional score is deferred for two weeks, it is processed as an intersection with the graphics card computing power and added to the nonlinear model. The results obtained by the regression model show that the emotional score of the word "GPU" will affect the model has a significant impact, while the keywords of "laptop" and other brands will not have a significant impact, and additional independent variables such as the hashrate, whether it is an e-sports type, and the price of Bitcoin will all significantly affect the price of the laptop. And in the case of a fixed time effect, the different months will have a significant impact on the price of the laptop.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 ................................................................................................. i
摘要 .................................................................................................................. ii
Abstract ............................................................................................................ iii
目錄 ................................................................................................................. iv
圖次 ................................................................................................................. vi
表次 ................................................................................................................ vii
壹、 緒論 ................................................................................................... 1
一、 研究背景 ......................................................................................... 1
(一) 筆電市場概述 .......................................................................... 1
(二) 筆電硬體概述 .......................................................................... 2
二、 研究動機與目的 .............................................................................. 5
三、 研究缺口 ......................................................................................... 6
四、 研究問題 ......................................................................................... 6
五、 研究步驟與流程 .............................................................................. 7
貳、 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................ 8
一、 特徵價格分析 ................................................................................. 8
二、 筆記型電腦特徵模型 ....................................................................... 9
(一) 模型簡介 ................................................................................. 9
(二) 模型展示 ................................................................................. 9
三、 情緒分析 ....................................................................................... 11
(一) 意見定義 ............................................................................... 12
(三) 意見的主客觀性與情緒 .......................................................... 12
(四) 監督與非監督式學習 .............................................................. 13
(五) 小結 ....................................................................................... 14
參、 研究方法 .......................................................................................... 16
一、 資料來源 ....................................................................................... 16
(一) 網路電商平台交易資料 .......................................................... 16
(二) 外部連接資料 ........................................................................ 18
二、 資料清理流程 ............................................................................... 18
(一) 資料蒐集 ............................................................................... 18
(二) 資料清洗 ............................................................................... 19
(三) 情緒資料處理 ........................................................................ 22
三、 研究變數總覽 ............................................................................... 24
四、 研究分析工具 ............................................................................... 26
肆、 研究結果 .......................................................................................... 29
一、 敘述性統計 ................................................................................... 29
二、 模型結果 ....................................................................................... 39
三、 非線性模型結果 ............................................................................ 41
伍、 結論與建議 ....................................................................................... 47
一、研究結論 ........................................................................................... 47
二、研究建議 ........................................................................................... 48
(一) 社群資訊蒐集 ........................................................................ 48
(二) 分離零件效能 ........................................................................ 48
(三) 分析其他市場資訊 ................................................................. 49
三、研究限制與未來應用 ......................................................................... 49
(一) 納入更多的社群平台做情緒分數 ............................................ 49
(二) 更長時間的資料 ..................................................................... 49
(三) 不同平台的交易資料 .............................................................. 50
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................ 51
參考文獻 References
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