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博碩士論文 etd-0625122-204526 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0625122-204526
COVID-19 疫情對電子遊戲產業之影響 —以 Nintendo Switch 為例
The impact of COVID-19 epidemic on video game industry –Take Nintendo Switch for instance
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
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遊戲主機、傾向分數配對法、COVID-19、電子遊戲產業、平均處理效 應
game console, Propensity score matching, COVID-19, video game industry, average treatment effect
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 753 times, has been downloaded 0 times.
近年來 COVID-19 疫情肆虐各地,為配合政府的防疫策略,大多數人都選擇 減少戶外活動,正因如此,許多產業受到嚴重的負向衝擊。但,在這百業蕭條的 環境下,電子遊戲產業卻呈現逆勢成長之姿。
故,本研究將透過臺灣某電商公司之遊戲主機銷售數據,利用傾向分數配對 法( Propensity Score Matching )估算臺灣各縣市是否有新增確診個案對於各縣市遊 戲主機銷售之 Average treatment effect,以此探討 COVID-19 疫情對於電子遊戲產 業之實質影響。
研究結果表明,COVID-19 的出現確實會對遊戲產業帶來正面的影響,但同 時結果也表明,若是政府執行了嚴格的防疫政策,會對遊戲機的銷售帶來負面的 影響,與以往的文獻呈現較為不同的結果。
In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged all over the world. In order to cooperate with the government's pandemic prevention strategy, most people choose to reduce the frequency of doing outdoor activities. As a result, many industries have been severely and negatively impacted. However, in such economic depression, the video gaming industry has grown against the depression.
Therefore, this study will use the game console sales data of an e-commerce company in Taiwan, and use the Propensity Score Matching method to estimate whether there is an Average treatment effect due to new confirmed cases in each county and city. In this way, we explore the substantial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the video gaming industry.
The research results show that the emergence of COVID-19 will indeed have a positive impact on the video gaming industry, but at the same time, the results also show that if the government implements strict disease prevention policies, it will have a negative impact on the sales of game consoles. This research presents different results from past studies.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景 1
(一) COVID-19 1
(二) 電子遊戲產業 2
(三) 疫情的契機 3
二、研究動機與目的 4
三、研究問題 4
四、本文架構 5
貳、文獻回顧 6
一、COVID-19對經濟的影響 6
二、COVID-19對電子遊戲產業的影響 6
(一) 遊戲玩家增加 6
(二) 股價反應 7
(三) 過往SARS的影響 9
三、心理因素 9
四、傾向分數配對 11
參、研究方法 15
一、研究資料介紹 15
二、外部資料 15
三、模型介紹 20
肆、研究結果 24
一、探索性資料分析 24
二、多元回歸分析 29
三、傾向分數配對 35
伍、結論與建議 46
一、研究結論 46
二、未來研究建議 47
參考文獻 48
一、英文文獻 48
二、中文文獻 50
三、參考網站 51

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