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博碩士論文 etd-0626121-124221 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626121-124221
On the integration of aspect and sentiment detection models
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Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, Attention Mechanism, Autoencoder, Text Graph Convolution Network, Text Mining
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在本篇論文中,我們提出一個ABSA的整合模型,透過引入文本圖卷積網路(Text GCN),來加強模型之效能。模型一共分為以下三個步驟,第一步,使用多種子構面提取器(MATE)模型來提取句子的構面。接者,使用文本之圖卷積網路來根據第一步驟提取的構面,產生各構面的情緒種子詞。最後,將產生的種子詞帶入我們提出的特定構面情緒自動編碼器(ASSA),來對輸入的句子同步進行構面與此構面上情緒的提取。根據對餐廳與筆記型電腦兩種類型資料集的測試,我們的方法與單純使用通用情緒詞的方法相比較,在情緒分類的準確率上皆有更佳的表現。
Due to the rapid increase in User-Generated Content (UGC) data, how to process those data quickly and correctly has become an important topic. To dig into the UGC, Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is used to extract the aspect and sentiment mentioned in sentences.
In this thesis, we propose an integrated ABSA model to improve the performance by incorporating Text Graph Convolutional Network (Text GCN). The model is divided into three steps. In the first step, the Multi-Seed Aspect Extractor (MATE) model is used to extract the aspect of the sentence. Then, the Text GCN is used to generate aspect-specific sentiment seed words according to the aspect extracted in the first step. Finally, the generated seed words are fed into the aspect-specific sentiment autoencoder (ASSA) to extract the aspect and the corresponding sentiment of the given sentence. We conduct experiments on the restaurant and laptop datasets. Experimental results show that our proposed approach has better performance in sentiment classification when compared the previous work which simply used general sentiment seed words.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction 1
CHAPTER 2 - Related Work 5
2.1 Aspect Extraction 5
2.2 Sentiment Prediction 7
2.3 Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis 8
CHAPTER 3 - Methodology 10
3.1 Notation Description 11
3.2 Aspect Extraction 12
3.3 Aspect-based Sentiment Words Generation 15
3.4 Aspect Sentiment Detection 19
CHAPTER 4 – Experiments 22
4.1 Datasets 22
4.2 Parameter Setting 24
4.3 Four Evaluation Metrics 26
4.4 Results 27
CHAPTER 5 – Conclusion 34
References 35
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