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Title page for etd-0626122-115605
Are We Raising Workaholics? Bridging the Links Between Experienced Childhood Parenting and Perfectionist Expectation to Workaholism
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Workaholism, Parenting, Perfectionism, Family, Authoritarian, Authoritative, SEM
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 357 times, has been downloaded 115 times.
工作狂一直是研究界激烈爭論的話題。 然而,儘管進行了大量的研究,但導致上班族表現出工作狂行為的原因仍然無法解決。 本研究的目的是指出一個人的家庭環境和期望是否是一個人進入勞動力市場時未來工作狂行為的前兆,並為父母養育方式對兒童發展的影響提供新的見解。 本研究使用了 98 名不同背景的受訪者作為樣本。 參與者被要求指出他們經歷過哪種類型的養育方式(專制、權威或寬容)和家庭對完美主義的期望以及他們自己的工作狂傾向。 針對數據集使用事後統計分析來確定家庭環境與工作狂之間的聯繫,但結果尚無定論。 樣本量低和某些不受控制的因素等限制預計會成為問題; 但儘管結果如此,這項研究仍可用作對一個人的成長如何影響個人的工作性格及以後更有結論性的探索性研究。
Workaholism has been a subject of intense debate in the research community; however, despite the plethora of research, what lead workers to exhibit workaholic behavior has continue to elude the community. The objective of this study is to identify whether one’s family environment and expectation is a precursor to future workaholic behaviors when one enters the workforce and provide new insight into consequences of parental styles on childhood development. A sample of 98 respondents of all different background were used in this study. Participants were asked to identify what type of parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive) and family expectation of perfectionism they experienced along with their own workaholic tendencies. Post-hoc statistical analysis was used on the dataset to identify links between family environment and workaholism, but results were inconclusive. Limitation such as low sample size and certain uncontrolled elements were expected to be the issue; but despite the result, this study could be used as an exploratory attempt toward a more conclusive study on how a person’s upbringing may affect his/her disposition at work.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract (English) iii
Table of Content iv
Table of Figures vi
Tables of Tables vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework 2
Section 2.1: Defining Workaholism 3
Section 2.2: Overview of Parental Style 5
Section 2.3: Consideration for Workaholism Framework 8
Section 2.4: Regarding Parenting Style and Workaholism 10
Section 2.5: Bridging the Constructs – Family Perfectionism 14
Chapter 3: Measures & Methods 16
Section 3-1: Method 16
Section 3-2: Measures 18
Chapter 4: Results 20
Section 4-1: Individual CFA Analysis 21
Section 4-2: Aggregated Latent Variable Analysis – Validating Hypothesis 1 26
Section 4-3: Structural Equation Modeling –Parenting Style to Workaholism 28
Section 4-4: Post-Hoc Addressing Common Method Bias 31
Chapter 5: Discussion 32
Section 5-1: Practical Implementation 34
Section 5-2: Limitation 34
Section 5-3: Conclusion 35
References 37
Appendix 52
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