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Title page for etd-0627122-130532
Does shopping pleasure matter in stimulating impulsive buying of livestream shoppers? The moderating effect of self-control
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online impulse buying, live-stream commerce, self-control, moderated mediation, E-commerce
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Businesses have recently taken virtual shopping to the next level by combining livestream broadcasts with instant online purchases to allow viewers to watch and shop at the same time. This practice is also known as “live streaming commerce”. A number of empirical studies analyze the effects of this novel practice. They show that live-stream shoppers are prone to impulse buying due to real-time interactions in synchronization with simultaneous presence of other shoppers. However, I propose that positive affect reactions such as perceived enjoyment can play a prominent role in causing impulsive purchases while watching live-stream shows. An online self-reported survey of 326 live-stream shoppers demonstrates that their shopping enjoyment triggers impulsive purchasing behaviors through the irresistible urge to buy. Self-control is counterintuitively found to strengthen the relationship between the impulsive urge and the impulsive buying behavior. The key implication is that it is often profitable for live streaming retailers to increase spending on consumers’ positive emotions and this novel shopping channel could benefit at-home consumers who prefer to have a great visual demonstration of the products.

目次 Table of Contents
Validation Letter i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract (Chinese) iii
Abstract (English) iv
Table of Contents v
Tables and Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis 3
2.1. Live-stream Commerce 3
2.2. Impulse Purchase 5
2.3. Online impulse purchase 7
2.4. Urge to buy on impulse is different from impulse buying behavior 10
2.5. Perceived Enjoyment 11
2.6. Self-control 13
3. Research Method 14
3.1. Procedures 14
3.2. Data collection 15
3.3. Moderated mediation model 16
4. Results 17
4.1. Scale and measurements 17
4.2. Correlations 19
4.3. Hypothesis Testing 19
4.4. Summary of the results 23
5. Discussion 24
6. Theoretical and practical implications 27
7. Limits and Future directions for research 28
8. References 30
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