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論文名稱 Title |
探討資訊安全疲勞的成因與降低方法 Understanding the Cause and Reduction Method of Information Security Fatigue |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
80 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-07-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-07-29 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
資訊安全、資訊安全疲勞、工作要求資源理論、資安承諾、資訊安全意識 Information Security, Information Security Fatigue, Job Demands-Resources, Information Security Commitment, Information Security Awareness |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 323 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 323 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
資訊安全一直都是非常重要的議題,且隨著時間與科技技術的發展,資訊安全事件所能造成的影響已經不容小覷,從以前影響組織企業到現在社會、國家、全球等,這也是大眾必須要面對的課題。現在雖然也有許多資安廠商協助或是有許多設備可以協助管理資訊安全,或是國際或是第三方的資訊安全認證機構等,但最大的漏洞危害依舊是人,人為疏失因素依舊是整體中佔比最多,也是一直有在研究探討的。 由於在2019年開始爆發的全球Covid19疫情,學者發現社會上出現「防疫疲勞」的現象,主要是民眾知道防疫非常重要,但長期管控導致大眾對於防疫產生一種疲勞,導致開始有越來越多違反防疫規則的情形。因此疲勞一詞的概念能否也能應用於資訊安全上,而解釋過往尚未被發現的現象成因?在這議題上,國外已有學者透過質性研究新提出「資訊安全疲勞」的概念來探討違反資訊安全規則的行為。因此本研究將國外資訊安全疲勞的研究進行量化驗證,並探討可降低疲勞或是預防違規行為的因素。 研究透過JD-R模型來驗證與降低或預防的因素,並採取線上問卷方式,共計回收260份有效問卷,經統計分析量表皆具有有效的信效度。結果顯示資訊安全疲勞在JD-R模型下量化結果是有效的。雖然資源與承諾兩者無法降低疲勞,但資源可以提高承諾並且進一步減少違規行為的發生。根據本研究結果所提出的理論與實務貢獻,以提供資訊安全的規劃、評估與預防之幫助依據。 |
Abstract |
Information security has always been a very important topic, and with the development of time and technology, the impact of information security incidents can’t be underestimated, from the previous impact on organizations and enterprises to the current society, country, worldwide, etc., which is also everyone must take information security seriously. Now although there are also many security vendors to assist or there is much equipment to help manage information security, or international or third-party information security certification agencies, etc., the biggest vulnerability hazard is still human, human negligence factors are still the largest proportion of the whole, but also has been in the research and discussion. Due to the global Covid19 epidemic that began to break out in 2019, scholars have found that the phenomenon of "epidemic prevention fatigue" in society is mainly because the public knows that epidemic prevention is very important, but long-term control has led to a kind of fatigue of the public for epidemic prevention, resulting in more and more violations cases of epidemic prevention rules. So, can the concept of fatigue also be applied to information security to explain the causes of phenomena that have not been discovered in the past? On this topic, foreign scholars have proposed the concept of "information security fatigue" through qualitative research to explore violations of information security rules. Therefore, this study will quantitatively verify the research on foreign information security fatigue and explore the factors that can reduce fatigue or prevent violations. The study used the JD-R model to verify and reduce or prevent factors and adopted an online questionnaire to collect a total of 260 valid questionnaires, all of which had effective reliability and validity through statistical analysis scales. The results show that information safety fatigue is valid for quantifying the results under the JD-R model. While both resources and commitments can’t reduce fatigue, resources can increase commitments and further reduce the occurrence of violations. Theoretical and practical contributions based on the results of this study to provide a basis for the planning, evaluation and prevention of information security. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 圖 目 錄 viii 表 目 錄 ix 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究動機3 第三節 研究目的4 第四節 研究流程5 第二章 文獻探討7 第一節 工作要求資源理論7 第二節 資訊安全疲勞13 第三節 資訊安全承諾16 第三章 研究方法19 第一節 研究模型與假說19 第二節 構面定義與衡量29 第三節 問卷設計35 第四章 資料分析36 第一節 樣本基本資料分析36 第二節 模型衡量38 第三節 模型驗證與假說45 第五章 結論與建議47 第一節 研究結果與討論47 第二節 理論貢獻(意涵)49 第三節 實務貢獻(意涵)50 第四節 研究限制51 第五節 未來方向51 參考文獻52 附錄.本研究正式問卷61 |
參考文獻 References |
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