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博碩士論文 etd-0629124-112838 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0629124-112838
綠色環境指標對溫室氣體排放之影響: 來自OECD國家之證據
The Impact of Green Environment Indicators on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from OECD Countries
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Date of Exam
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Sustainable Development, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Green Products, Green Environment-Related Indicators, Economic Development
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隨著氣候變遷加劇,全球對於永續發展的重視日漸提升。如何減少溫室氣體排放成為各國關注的焦點,並致力於推動各項環境相關政策。本研究以OECD國家為主要研究對象,探討2003年至2020年綠色環境相關指標對於溫室氣體排放量的影響。利用OECD對於綠色商品之綜合環境商品清單(Combined List of Environmental Goods, CLEG)定義,以255種綠色商品計算綠色貿易開放指數。此外,亦加入環境政策嚴格度至實證模型。實證結果顯示,提高一單位的綠色貿易開放指數以及環境政策嚴格度能顯著降低約2.18%和7.18%的排放量。同時,本研究亦探討綠色技術創新對於溫室氣體排放的影響。發現綠色技術創新增加一單位,僅對已開發國家有減排效果,減少約2.39%的排放量。其次,對於通過《巴黎協定》、聯合國核心永續發展目標(SDGs)的初期效果較不顯著。最後,本研究亦探討OECD國家加入歐盟溫室氣體排放交易制度(EU ETS)與否會對溫室氣體排放量產生影響,並分別於三個階段發現排放量均有顯著減少趨勢。根據觀察經濟持續發展與環境汙染程度呈現倒U型之關係,本研究證實環境庫茲涅茨曲線(Environmental Kuznets Curve, EKC)假說之成立。
As climate change intensifies, global emphasis on sustainable development is increasingly prominent. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions has become a focal point for countries, leading to the implementation of various environmental policies. This study focuses on OECD countries, examining the impact of green environmental indicators on greenhouse gas emissions from 2003 to 2020. Using the OECD’s Combined List of Environmental Goods (CLEG), we calculated the Green Trade Openness Index based on 255 HS6-coded green goods. Additionally, environmental policy stringency was included in the empirical model.The empirical results indicate that an increase of one unit in the Green Trade Openness Index and environmental policy stringency can significantly reduce emissions by approximately 2.18% and 7.18%, respectively. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of green technological innovation on greenhouse gas emissions, finding that an increase of one unit in green technological innovation only reduces emissions in developed countries by about 2.39%. The initial effects of adopting the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are less significant.Moreover, the study investigates whether OECD countries' participation in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) influences greenhouse gas emissions. Across three different phases, significant reductions in emissions were observed. The study also confirms the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis, showing an inverted U-shaped relationship between sustained economic development and environmental pollution levels.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 3
1-4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1環境污染相關文獻整理 4
2-2 綠色環境指標相關文獻整理 5
2-3 綠色商品分類相關文獻整理 6
第三章 OECD貿易額及溫室氣體排放之情形 7
第四章 資料與研究方法 13
4-1 模型假設與資料來源 13
4-2 研究模型設定 15
4-2-1 普通最小平方法模型(Pooled OLS Model) 15
4-2-2 固定效果模型(Fixed Effects Model, FE) 15
4-2-3 隨機效果模型(Random Effects Model, RE) 15
4-3 模型檢定與選擇 16
第五章 研究結果 17
5-1 實證結果 17
5-2 以收入水準作為分類之迴歸估計結果 19
5-3 以年份作為分類之迴歸估計結果 21
5-4 加入EU ETS虛擬變數之迴歸估計結果 23
第六章 結論與建議 25
參考文獻 27
附錄 30
參考文獻 References
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