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博碩士論文 etd-0630122-032559 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0630122-032559
Robustness and Defense of Anomaly Detection Model Against Adversarial Attack
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Adversarial Attack, Black-box Attack, Tabular Data, Hyperparameter Tuning Algorithm, Outlier Detection
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研究[1, 2]指出此類模型容易受到對抗式攻擊影響,攻擊者能擾動偵測結果甚至操弄預
發人員誤用後該系統將暴露於威脅中。滲透測試(Penetration Test, PT)模擬攻擊者
本研究提出基於真實企業 Active Directory(AD)事件記錄檔的可循環對抗式樣本
As the amount of data kept expanding, the era of big data has come. Artificial
intelligence (AI)-related technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, natural
language processing, have been applied to anomaly detection and many other application
fields and achieved efficient solutions. Comparing with human expert, AI approaches are
more suitable for solving complicated problems with repetitions. However, according to the
previous research [1, 2], deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where
an adversary manipulates the outcomes of a detection model by inserting adversarial samples.
Once the adversary exploits the vulnerability of the core algorithm of the target model, the
integrity and correctness of the model might be at risk.
To accelerate the development process of information system and support by theory,
system developer intends to use open source including labeled dataset, pre-trained model,
library and code published by other scholars. If these open resources have been contaminated
by cyber attacker, it will affect the practical system security. Fortunately, penetration testing
can simulate cyber-attack against the target system. With the hacking drill, it’s the most direct
way to help developer find out the exploitable vulnerabilities and keep target system away
from the threats.
This study proposes a cyclic adversarial sample training method based on real-world
Active Directory event log and it’s inspired by black-box attack. In order to challenge welldesigned anomaly detection system and find out the potential weakness of the target system,
the method proposed by this study train strong perturbative adversarial samples under the
specification of the event log. The experimental results provide the trained adversarial
samples can attack target system successfully and the attack achievement is better than other
studies performed. At the end of the paper, this study will provide an ingenious method
inspired by the attack process to truly improve the robustness of the anomaly detection
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1對抗式攻擊 6
2.2產生對抗式樣本 8
2.2.1 取樣方法 9
2.2.2 表格資料合成方法 10
2.2.3 超參數與超參數調整演算法 11
2.2.4 對抗式攻擊擾動方法與替代模型 13
2.3 異常事件模型偵測方法 15
2.4 評估方法 16
2.4.1防禦者對攻擊者能力評估 16
2.4.2攻擊者對目標模型的掌握評估 18
2.4.3目標模型的抗擾動性評估 18
第三章 研究方法 19
3.1系統架構 20
1. 取樣與擾動模組 23
2. 攻擊樣本訓練模組 23
3. 攻擊樣本評估子模組 23
4. 目標攻擊模組 23
3.2 取樣與擾動模組 24
3.3 攻擊樣本訓練模組 26
3.4 攻擊樣本評估子模組 27
3.5 目標攻擊模組 30
第四章 系統評估 32
4.1待訓練資料取樣與前處理 36
4.1.1取樣比例Ps實驗 36
4.1.2 Flip擾動度實驗 38
4.1.3 Sequence擾動實驗 39
4.2對抗式樣本訓練 41
4.2.1訓練評估方法效能實驗 41
4.2.2基因演算法調參實驗 42
4.3目標模型對抗式攻擊實驗 46
4.3.1 Huang系統擾動實驗 46
4.3.2 Kang系統擾動實驗 48
4.4文獻對抗式攻擊法比較 49
4.4.1 Artificial adversary法 49
4.4.2 FGSM法 50
4.4.3 LowProFool法 51
4.5 偵測系統抗擾動性提升 52
第五章 研究貢獻與未來展望 55
參考資料 57
附錄A 訓練時間 61

圖1-1、干擾攻擊 4
圖2-1、擾動影響分類[1] 6
圖2-2、毒化攻擊與逃逸攻擊[14] 7
圖2-3、CTGAN架構[27] 11
圖2-4、基因演算法 12
圖2-5、攻擊策略示意圖[49] 17
圖3-1、系統總覽 20
圖3-2、系統架構圖 21
圖4-1、取樣方法結果比較圖(Recall) 37
圖4-2、0%擾動Pf結果 39
圖4-3、30%擾動Pf結果 39
圖4-4、70%擾動Pf結果 39
圖4-5、100%擾動Pf結果 39
圖4-6、Sequence擾動結果(Recall) 41
圖4-7、Sequence擾動結果(Precision) 41
圖4-8、超參數調整演算法收斂圖 45
圖4-9、Huang系統擾動結果圖(情境一) 47
圖4-10、Kang系統擾動結果圖(情境一) 48
圖4-11、Kang系統倍數原始偵測資料集抗擾動實驗 53
圖4-12、Huang系統倍數原始偵測資料集抗擾動實驗 54
圖A-1、訓練時間複雜度 61
圖A-2、資料量與訓練時間關係圖 61

表3-1、演算法變數與描述表 21
表3-2、一般事件與高風險事件ID 28
表3-3、研究設定的不可感知性規則 28
表4-1、混淆矩陣 32
表4-2、實驗項目總表 34
表4-3、實驗設備 35
表4-4、取樣策略 37
表4-5、最佳取樣比例Ps結果 38
表4-6、事件紀錄序列表 40
表4-7、訓練評估法實驗結果 42
表4-8、基因調參演算法超參數設定組合 43
表4-9、超參數調整實驗綜合評估項目與權重表 44
表4-10、超參數調整演算法實驗結果 45
表4-11、超參數調整演算法提出超參數結果 45
表4-12、Huang系統擾動結果表(情境二) 47
表4-13、Kang系統擾動結果表(情境二) 49
表4-14、Artificial adversary法比較 50
表4-15、FGSM法比較 51
表4-16、LowProFool法比較 52
表A-1、訓練時間實驗結果 61

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