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博碩士論文 etd-0630122-115707 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0630122-115707
網路評價在美妝保養品產業中對於 消費者行為影響之研究
The influence of eWOM on consumer behavior in the cosmetics/skin care products industry
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Date of Submission
網路口碑eWOM、資訊接受模型(Information Acceptance Model)、社群媒體、訊息品質、訊息可信度、訊息需求、對訊息態度、訊息有用性、訊息採用、購買意圖
eWOM, Information Acceptance Model, social media, information quality, information credibility, need of information, attitude toward information, information usefulness, information adoption, purchase intention
本論文已被瀏覽 515 次,被下載 87
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 515 times, has been downloaded 87 times.
本研究探討當前在化妝品及保養品的產業中社交媒體上不同的訊息發佈者(朋友/意見領袖(網紅)/陌生人)所分享的eWOM是如何影響消費者的購買動機,並透過Ismail Erkan等人所開發出的IACM模型之七個測量項目作為解釋研究架構中的假設,分別有:網路評價的訊息品質、訊息可信度、消費者對於訊息的需求、訊息的態度、訊息有用性、訊息採用,以及對消費者的購買動機及意願。研究對象則針對台灣地區18歲至30歲區間並且使用Instagram、Dcard、Facebook與PTT的消費者進行調查,採用網路方式進行發放問卷,最終共計發放270份問卷,在剔除13份填答不完整與勾選同一程度之無效問卷後,回收問卷為257份,回收比率為95.1%。本研究結果發現:
(一)由於本研究直接套用Erkan and Evans(2015)提出IACM模型,並假設作者的研究假說及結果為正確,進行本研究之研究基礎,但並未考慮到產業別的不同、樣本數的不同、國風認知的不同,因此最後本研究結果出現不顯著的情況,假說皆不成立,所以顯示朋友/意見領袖/陌生人三者對於消費者之購買意圖並無顯著差異,因此我們透過結構方程模式模型探討,在不同訊息發佈者中,IACM模型之七個測量項目之影響路徑。

With the popularity of the Internet, online shopping has gradually become the new normal. In recent years, due to the popularity of mobile payment, the perfect and fast logistics system and the popularity of the beauty online shopping market has gradually become mature. However, since beauty products are directly to the face and have different reactions and effects depending on the skin type, consumers will seek reviews of related products from various sources before shopping to reduce their uncertainties and reactions.
This study explores how eWOM shared by different messagers (friends/KOL /strangers) on social media currently affects consumers' purchasing motivation in the cosmetics and skin care products industry, and use the seven measurement items of the IACM model to explain the assumptions in the research framework.
The research subjects were surveyed among consumers in Taiwan between the ages of 18 and 30 who used Instagram, Dcard, Facebook, and PTT. In the end, a total of 270 questionnaires were distributed, 13 were excluded, and the recovery rate was 95.1%. The results of this study found that:
(1) Since this study directly applies the IACM model proposed by Erkan and Evans (2015), and assumes that the author's research hypothesis and results are correct, the research basis for this study is carried out, but it does not take into account differences in industries and sample sizes. , national style cognitions are different, so in the end, the results of this study are not significant, and the hypothesis is not valid, so it shows that there is no significant difference between friends/opinion leaders/strangers in consumers' purchase intentions, so we use the structural equation model. The model explores the impact paths of the seven measurement items of the IACM model among different message publishers.
(2) Our research finds that when the shopping information is published by "friends" or familiar KOL , consumers are more willing to believe that the information is useful and can be referred to, and then generate purchase behavior; In other hand, when the shopping information is published by strangers, customer believed that the information is not completely transparent, so "message credibility" is not an important factor affecting consumers' purchase intentions. Therefore, for consumers, their attitudes towards rational behavior intentions may be affected by past experience or the number of posts posted by strangers in the past. In conclusion, when shopping information posted by strangers, consumers will have an Positive rational behavioral intentions and thoughts may lead them to view the information as useful and referable.

目次 Table of Contents
Abstract ⅴ

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顏雪娟,等人 (2014). 醫美保養品與一般保養品市場區隔之探討. 2014 美容科學研討會學術論文集 華格那出版有限公司 2014 年 5 月 30 日.
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