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博碩士論文 etd-0701122-223351 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701122-223351
Research on The Influencing Factors of Teachers' Purchase Behavior of Teaching Aids under Cross-Disciplinary Teaching
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cross-domain teaching, EKB model, consumer behavior, demand motivation, demand cognition
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In recent years, there have been increasing social pressures for a global increase in demand for skilled financial and scientific professionals. European and American countries have thus begun to prioritize interdisciplinary education using the STEAM model: (S)science, (T)technology,(E)engineering,(A)art, and (M)mathematics. Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, in year 108, began to also implement a new STEAM curriculum. However, the teachers had difficulty with the selection of relevant teaching aids that would be effective for STEAM. This study collects interview data examining the differences between traditional teaching methods and previous STEAM methods, as well as differences in the choice selection differences for available teaching aids, and uses the EKB model as the framework to discuss the factors that affect teachers' purchase behavior of teaching aids under cross-disciplinary teaching.
The objectives include:
1. Due to the STEAM education, teaching method has changed from the traditional to a cross-disciplinary teaching method, explore the correlation between different teaching methods and teaching aid supply channels;.
2. When the teachers change their purchasing channels for teaching aids due to changes in the syllabus, explore the selection methodology that teachers use to evaluate teaching aids in different teaching aid supply channels.
The results of the study found that with STEAM education in Taiwan, compelling purchasing factors in decreasing order for teaching aids were demand, budget, functional quality, after-sales service and word of mouth. Brands and local manufacturing had no influence on purchasing behavior.

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討6
第三章 研究方法與設計34
第四章 實證分析41
第五章 結論與建議50
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