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Title page for etd-0702121-165438
Exploring the Effects of Civil Servants’ Work Satisfaction on Task Performance After Pension Reform: The Moderating Effect of Distributive Justice
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motivator-hygiene theory, distributive justice, intrinsic satisfaction, extrinsic satisfaction, task performance
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變革是為了組織未來發展,這對員工來說應該是好事,但變革亦可能對員工產生工作環境變動等負面影響。公務人員年金改革堪稱政府近年規模最大的變革活動,故瞭解變革是否對人力管理造成衝擊,應是公部門管理者的重要課題。有鑑於工作滿意一直以來皆被視為組織的早期警戒指標,而政府良好績效展現係以公務人員個別績效為基礎,本研究期以Herzberg的激勵-保健雙因子理論及分配正義的觀點,探討公務人員內、外在滿意與任務績效間的關係。另外,過往研究發現公務人員較重視內在滿意,過於強調工作的外在獎酬,反而會導致公務人員減損工作努力(Moynihan, 2010)。因此,本研究將分配正義納入研究架構,以檢視分配正義對公務人員內、外在滿意與任務績效間的干擾效果。
Organization reform is for development, which is supposed to be good for employees, but it could also bring negative effects. Civil servant’s pension reform is the largest organizational change in a decade, so to determine the impacts of reform is an important issue for human resource officers. Since work satisfaction is an early warning for organization and the government’s performance is related to individual civil servant’s performance, this research aims to discuss the relationship of civil servants’ intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction towards their task performance by Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory and distributive justice. Moreover, empirical research has found that civil servant value intrinsic satisfaction more and to overvalue the importance of extrinsic rewards might backfire work efforts (Moynihan, 2010). Thus, another aim of this research is to examine the moderating role of distributive justice in the mechanism.
The research was first conducted by quantitative methodology and the data is collected through survey by sampling of civil servants in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Subjects are pair as supervisor and subordinate and there are total 85 sets of effective questionnaires which leads to an effective rate of 68%. The results from hierarchal regression reveal: (1) A positive correlation exists between intrinsic job satisfaction and on task performance. (2) Distributive justice will negatively affect the positive relationship between intrinsic satisfaction and task performance. Additionally, qualitative methodology such as documentary analysis is introduced by analysis of winners of Civil Service Outstanding Contribution Award and observation records, to verified the findings of quantitative research.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
研究背景 1
研究動機 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
激勵 -保健雙因子理論 5
工作滿意與工作績效 9
分配正義的干擾效果 16
第三章 研究方法 22
研究架構 22
研究設計 23
研究工具與變數衡量 24
研究對象與施測程序 27
第四章 研究結果分析 32
各構面之信度檢定 32
描述統計及相關分析 35
迴歸分析 37
文本分析 40
第五章 結論與建議50
研究摘述 50
研究發現 52
學術意涵 54
管理意涵 57
研究限制與未來研究建議 60
參考文獻 62
附錄一 71
附錄二 72
參考文獻 References
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