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博碩士論文 etd-0705122-165951 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0705122-165951
Love and Cuisine Mediated by Social Media: Women, Kitchen Labor and Social Media
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gender, technology, social media, household, kitchen labor, women
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社群媒介結合網際網路和通訊服務,進入家庭成為「家庭科技 (domestic technology)」的一部分,同時也是日常生活中的一項必需品。社群媒介提供使用者展現自我的機會,讓人逐漸看見經常被視為理所當然而遺忘的女性角色—母親、妻子等家庭的主要照顧者,她們將屬於家庭私領域且被稱為「看不見的工作 (invisible work)」 (Daniels, 1987) 的家務過程和成果發布於社群當中,成為網路社群話題的一部分,而「廚務」便是其中一種。廚務工作不僅程序繁瑣,常無酬勞回報,但是她們仍然默默地整頓好一切事物,透過餐點表達母親對家庭的愛與責任。然而,科技並非只有帶來正面的影響,雖然家庭科技減少體力的消耗,但是不會除去需要費時費心的工作特性 (Cowan, 1983; Wajcman, 2015)。因此,我們必須檢視社群媒介與女性使用者之間的關係,網路空間的存在,可能是女性賦權解放的窗口,但也可能是受社會與性別角色框架所束縛的來源。
本研究提出三個研究問題:(一)女性如何使用社群媒介中介家務?對她們的意義為何?(二)女性使用社群媒介中介家務,是否與如何模糊公/私領域的界線?(三)女性是否能透過社群媒介的使用經驗而得到賦權?針對上述研究問題,本研究結合網路民族誌 (netnography) 與深度訪談法 (in-depth interview) 進行資料的收集,並以 Facebook 料理社團「冷便當社」作為研究場域和選擇研究參與者 (participants) 的基地。透過立意抽樣 (purposive sampling) 在社團中選取 5 位表現活躍且擁有母親角色的女性,就其近半年內的貼文內容與留言互動,進行觀察與紀錄,並執行個別的訪談。本研究使用此兩種研究方法獲得數種不同的資料——參與者的基本問卷、網路田野筆記、訪談筆記和訪談內容的逐字稿,因此得以進行質性研究的交叉驗證 (triangulation),提升研究的信度與效度。
Social media, combining the internet and communication service, has entered the household as a part of “domestic technology” and it has become a necessity in our daily life. Social media provides users an opportunity to express themselves and reveals a female role that is often taken for granted and forgotten—mother, wife, and other primary caregivers of the family. These women post the process and achievement of housework on social media. Housework used to belong to the private world of family and were called “invisible work” (Daniels, 1987), but now, they became part of the online community topic, especially “kitchen labor”. Kitchen labor is complex, linked, heterogeneous, and often unpaid. Nevertheless, they still quietly take everything on themselves, conveying their mother’s love and be conscientious for the family through meals. However, technology doesn’t always bring positive effects. Although domestic technology reduces physical consumption, it doesn’t mar the truth that these housework are still time-consuming and exhausting. Therefore, we must examine the relationship between social media and female users. Being a window for women’s empowerment and liberation, cyberspace may also be a restriction of gender roles.
This study mainly focuses on three research questions: (1) How do women use social media to mediate housework? And what does it mean to them? (2) How do women use social media to mediate housework to blur the line between public and private spheres? (3) Can women be empowered through their experience of using social media? In response to above research questions, this study combines netnography and in-depth interview to collect data, and takes the Facebook cooking club “冷便當社” as the research field and the base to select the research participants. Through purposive sampling, there are 5 active women with the role of mothers were selected in the club. In this study, I observed and recorded their posts and comments in the past six months. Meanwhile, conduct individual interviews. This study applies these two research methods to obtain several different data—participants’ basic questionnaires, online field notes, interview notes and transcripts of the interview content. Thus, these various data enable me to conduct the triangulation of qualitative research to improve the reliability and validity of the research.
The study found that social media enables these women to share their experience, exquisite meals, family life and mental variations through posts and comments in the cooking clubs. They also learn cooking from each other, seeking a sense of belonging as a role of mother. At the same time, they enjoy cooking as a way to cultivate interest or relieve stress. Social media has become a space for them to perform motherhood, express themselves, enjoy entertainment and relax. The kitchen labor itself has been transformed. Kitchen labor is no longer just simple feeding work. It is not only a sign of mother’s love, a topic of parent-child communication, but also an extension of interest and a goal of self-practice. Social media has opened a wide door for women, but they still face criticism and scrutiny from a small number of netizens in this online space. Showing the way of making bento boxes, the way of raising children, or the expression of negative emotions in family life may become the target to attack by netizens.
These women's experiences of using social media are intertwined with real family life. While they share their cooking and family life with each other on the social media, they are also showing how to be better mothers. In order to get up early to make fresh, healthy, delicious and lovely cold bento, these tasks test the mother's ability for time planning, balancing nutrition composition, the family's flavor, as well as the calibration of the food preparation and visual aesthetics. In addition, cooking has become a language to convey maternal love and care. They always pay attention to their children's daily life and create opportunities to interact with them through bento or cooking together. While the use of social media has allowed these women to cook delicious meals without going out for cooking classes, their responsibilities as mothers for cooking, health and parenting require more mental, time and emotional labor in order to achieve a more perfect standard.
This study argues that the cyberspace extended by social media may have multiple meanings for women. Here they learn, help each other, gain confidence, escape the stress of life and take a breath. Although the use of social media still makes it difficult for women to completely break free from the constraints of traditional gender roles, they use social media to cultivate their interest in cooking and turn cooking into an ideal goal of practice. These all show the agency of women, who still have a lot of room to develop in both cooking and social media.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
目錄 ix
圖次 xi
表次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
一、從日常生活中開始的研究:社群媒介中介的生活 1
二、由社群媒介開啟的社群家務潮流 3
三、由社群媒介中介的家務:當家務成為社群話題 5
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節 家庭中的性別分工與家務 11
一、公/私領域與母職 11
二、「看不見的家務」:廚務 14
第二節 性別與科技 18
一、家庭日常生活中的資通科技 18
二、家庭科技與女性 20
三、資通科技與女性 21
(一)女性與電話 21
(二)女性與手機 22
(三)女性賦權與社群媒介 24
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究設計與執行過程 31
一、研究場域的選取 31
二、研究參與者的選擇與背景 34
三、網路民族誌方法 41
四、深度訪談方法 45
第二節 資料分析與研究倫理 50
一、資料整理與分析 50
二、研究倫理 51
第四章 研究分析與討論 53
第一節 廚務與母職的實踐 55
一、家庭中的廚務分工 55
二、母親手作的冷便當:健康責任、親子溝通 60
三、「自我選擇」的烹飪:廚務的責任、娛樂和休閒 69
第二節 「便當文」的情感支持與自我展現 79
一、「就『做便當』(台語)啊!」:便當與生活的交織性 79
(一)從社群擺脫孤獨母職的束縛 79
(二)拓展生活與社交圈的冷便當社團 88
二、渴望展現與符合期待的烹飪理想 96
(一)冷便當色、香、味的專業追求 96
(二)更精緻的佳餚與更完美的母親 103
第五章 研究結論與建議 110
第一節 研究發現和討論 111
一、女性的社群交流 111
二、母職意識形態的建構 114
三、網路公領域的女性文化展現 116
第二節 研究限制與建議 119
一、增進對於家庭生活動態的理解 119
二、深入探究不同生活經驗之女性的媒介使用 120
參考文獻 121
附錄 129
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